Pieve di Cadore house numbers import

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This page refers to the import of house numbers of the Comune di Pieve di Cadore in Belluno (BL), Italy. The data used is provided by the Comune di Pieve di Cadore.


As of October 2024 many addresses in the Comune di Pieve di Cadore are missing in OSM. There are only ca. 80 addresses present, while there are about ~2,3k numbers (assigned to property entrances) registered in the database of Comune di Pieve di Cadore.

The goal of the import is to add the missing addresses to the OSM database.


Data source site (as of December 2024): https://innovationlabdolomiti.openpa.opencontent.io/Dataset/Numeri-civici-Comune-di-Pieve-di-Cadore

Type of license: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal - Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0)

Dedicated upload account: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/szydzio-imports

The import has been discussed on the Italian OSM mailing list.


The dataset is available at the InnovationLab Dolomiti portal, precisely at this page.

The data is presented in JSON format and this format will be used for the import.

That data has a collection of elements, one for each house number (property entrance).

Each element has the keys:

  • name - the identifier for the street and the house number incl. the letter of the house number;
  • address - the postcode of the house number;
  • Latitudine - the latitude of house number;
  • Longitudine - the longitude of house number.

Import process

Basically 5 steps will be made for the import of the data:

  1. downloading the data
  2. cleaning of the useless information of dataset;
  3. changing dataset key names in valid OSM key names;
  4. adding other keys,
  5. importing all the punctual elements of the dataset as nodes in OSM using opendata plug-in.

The first step will be made using Mozilla Firefox, next two steps will be made with Notepad & Excel, the others with JOSM.

In the second step:

  • the data will be filtered leaving only the city name, street name, the house number, postcode and coordinates;

In the third step, for each point:

  • for each point the street name will be changed to the name of the street currently preexistenting in OSM (e.g. VIA ROMA will be changed to Via Roma) in order not to produce addresses unable to be found later by Nominatim (the house number attached to an existing street nearby should have exactly the same name as the street in addr:street)
  • street names will be saved as addr:street, and the house numbers as addr:housenumber,
  • in case of hamlets (Frazione/Località) the addr:place key will be used instead of addr:street, expanding possible abbreviation to full names (e.g. "Fraz. Chiave" => "Frazione Chiave")
  • the letter part of the addr:housenumber will be changed to lowercase (e.g. 30A => 30a)

In the fourth step, for each point, the keys will be added:

After step four the ready *.osm file would be as follows.

In the fifth step an upload of the points as nodes (according to the IT convention) will be executed in bunches of no more than 500 elements in order to carefully cope with the data and revert them easily using JOSM's Reverter plug-in, should something go wrong.

People involved

Problems and improvements

I expect some problems with the import like e.g.:

  1. some address may already be present in the OSM database - they will be left unchanged, the data will be filtered with JOSM's validator in order not to produce duplicated numbers with this import,
  2. if the address already present in OSM are not correct (e.g. have a typo in addr:street or missing addr:street) they will be corrected,
  3. some house number may correspond to a roads or places that are currently missing in OSM - they will be mapped later separately (using normal account and/or with the help of local mappers, who offered their support).


After the import possible errors will be checked with Nominatim QA , particularly with the Suspicious addr:street tag layer and OSM Inspector.


The changesets were uploaded as follows:

  1. changeset 161457983
  2. changeset 161460300
  3. changeset 161464687
  4. changeset 161465237
  5. chageset 161466660
  6. changeset 161468628