PoliMappers/European Missing Maps Mapathon
The European Missing Maps Mapathon was the first mapping event jointly organised by 3 university groups from different European countries: HuMap from UniTrier (Germany), PoliMappers from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and UNIPO Mappers from University of Prešov (Slovakia). The event was virtually held February 3rd, 2021 - 17:00 CET.
74 people registered to the event for joining groups from European universities and the YouthMappers network for an evening of networking and mapping Europe. During the event, the groups introduced their activities and conducted a training on the use of the MapRoulette platform with tasks suitable for both beginner and advanced mappers. In particular, the participants contributed to the project created by OpenClimateFix, Turning solar panel nodes into areas for better estimation of power - Europe on MapRoulette.
During the ZOOM event, other mapping groups and organisation shared their activities and projects with the audience. In particular, Valerio and Giuseppe from Map for Future (Italy) shared the results and perspective of their project in collaboration with the local community of Somaliland. Also Kelly from CartONG (France) talked about the active programs and future plans of her association.
Info & Contact
Stay updated by following @PoliMappers
on Twitter,
polimappers and
unipo.mappers on Facebook,
polimappers and
unipo_mappers on Instagram. More info on HuMap official website.
- Welcome to the attendants
- HuMap group introduction - Melanie Brauchler, Trier University (Germany)
- PoliMappers group introduction - Chiara Ponti, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- UNIPO Mappers group introduction - Daniela Vavrekova, Presov University (Slovakia)
- ID Editor Tutorial - Melanie Brauchler
- MapRoulette Training - Federica Gaspari, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Mapping time
Event output & stats
The event saw the virtual presence of more than 30 people.
6699 map changes were contributed to OpenStreetMap by 21 OSMers that included the #EuropeanMMM1
hashtag in their changeset comments.
More detailed information
- Number of OSM contributors: 21
- Number of Map changes: 6699
- Total numer of changesets: 253
Number of created (modified) (deleted) OSM objects
- Nodes: 3082 (2377) (241)
- Ways: 758 (200) (23)
- Highways: 0 (6)
- Buildings: 65
- Land-uses: 0
- Waterways: 0
Top 7 countries: Contriutors - Changesets (Map changes)
1. Germany: 20 - 169(3347)
2. United Kingdom: 19 - 73(2319)
3. Spain: 4 - 4(925)
4. France: 2 - 2(45)
5. Austria: 3 - 3(23)
6. Switzerland: 1 - 1(22)
7. Italy: 1 - 1(18)
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