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Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: JPinAR
Tagging: accredited=*
Applies to: node, way
Definition: To be paired with certification the primary tag to provide details on what outside entity supports/accredits the listed certification.

Rendered as: Supporting detail for certification which could be a POI this may function more as a filter for that tag.
Draft started: 2025-01-29


OU Kosher

During a discussion around disability and sustainability and how to tag 3rd party outside organization that can certify standards for sensory, adaptive MTB, and sustainable compliance. The discussion group on OSM Slack started looking at other tags that today cover some sort of compliance or certification and the only ones we saw had to do with dietary (Kosher and Halal) and even those where very minimal. A response pointed to the common pairing of Wikimedia property - has certification and Wikimedia property - Accredited by liking how this was organized and very flexible yet capable I thought it appropriate to bring these tags in line with OSM tagging standards and shorten them to Proposal:certification and Proposal:Accredited

This tag will be the one focused on answering the question 'What type of certification?' this will be broader classifications see Tagging section below. See Proposal:certification for the answer to 'What type of What is being certified??'

These both will apply to nodes like businesses for things like having Kosher OU or Halal AHF certifications or following guidance for sensory-friendly operations like those from KultureCity, also ways like a MTB trail being built to adaptive specifications like those administered by KASA, and lastly for things like buildings that can have sustainable build/maintenance specifications for example LEED certifications in the U.S.

LEED Building Accreditation


The core inspiration for this tag are similar ones from Wikipedia mentioned above Wikimedia property - Accredited by then I searched there really isn't an equivalent within Open Street Map to this, so there is no risk of duplication. To keep this as short as possible, I did shorten the 'accredited by' down to just 'accredited' and I don't think any significant details were lost in doing so.

As for why a tag is needed... there are multiple applications where a tag claiming a certain standard is meet increases in reliability and trust when based on establish and trusted third party reviewers. For instance, if I'm committed to keeping Kosher I'd trust something OU (Ⓤ) Kosher tells me a lot vs. a certifier that I've never heard of an OU-P tells me even more for Passover observance. For an Adaptive Cyclist I would trust an AMTB assistance ratings accuracy more for a trail I know was built to KASA standards. I know a building is sustainably built if it meets certain level of LEED certification. Just like it's illegal to do business as a Drone Pilot without a Part 107 license from the Federal Aviation Administration.

In each of these scenarios a kosher, adaptive, sustainability, electrical, or other certification doesn't hold as much weight as when they come from with accreditation from an established party. To be clear, I do not expect OSM to be policing certification and accreditation claims, but there maybe should be limits for OSM certification/accredited claims to perhaps those that are either physically posted like LEED Building certifications are typically posted near an entrance to a building; or alternatively are easily validated through a publically accessible database like my FAA UAS pilot certification can be verified by anyone via a FAA public site.


This tag is almost always intended to be paired with certification and reinforce or backup a certification claim with ideally and independent outside 3rd party.

Common Associations between types of certification and accredited sources for such accreditation.
certification=* accredited=* Context Element(s) Detail
kosher OU, OD-D, OU-DE, OU-Fish, or OU-P Dietary node or way (building) OU Kosher is one of the largest provides of Kosher Food certifications which also certify restaurants.
halal US:AHF Dietary node or way (building) American Halal Foundation are one of a few major certifiers here in the US.
sensory EU:AFS Accessibility node or way (building) The EU's 'Autism Friendly Spaces' runs a great certification for sensory safe places for those on the Autism Spectrum (ASD) as well as Autism friendly employer.
amtb CA:KASA Accessibility way (MTB Trail) For Adaptive Mountain Biking (AMBT) KASA has possibly the largest adoption in North America.
sustainability_built US:GBC_LEED_Platinum Environment node or way (building) Despite being a US based sustainable building standards, LEED is also used internationally as a voluntary certification standards with EU variations.
sustainability GB:SCT:VisitScotland_Gold Environment node or way (building) Visit Scotland has their own certification for Green Business as part of their tourism department.
pilot US:FAA_107 Aviation node (business POI) The US FAA has one soon to be two Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) license(s) (accreditations) for Drone operators that are required to do commercial business. Drone based businesses may want to list their accreditations, which can be checked here.

While the certification part of taggings has a few largely unorganized tag uses, this tag really has few equals. TagInfo - energy_certificate but this appears to be limited to one town in Spain, so migrating to ES:PISO_2 for instance.

Under 'certification' there are a few tags that maybe overlap and could be distinguished. For instead a lot of businesses have Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) certification certification=KCCA, but there isn't anything that delineates 'what' that certification does as it applies to gas, metal works, soap, and carpenters. (This is one of many odd assorted tags in Uganda that presently don't seem to indicate what is being certified but maybe who is certifying, but these don't mean a lot without the other half of the equation.)


Headphone zone by KultureCity for Autism support

This proposal already has three distinct examples of real world physical examples of certifications that include their accredited source.


It's possible that if there are different types of accreditation for the same type of certification, for instance within Kosher there are pages of different regional Kosher certifiers it would be possible to with enough entries use the symbols for each certifier. However, it is far more likely and practical that the main certification would be used to find all places certified before looking at the accreditation side of things, in the same way one might search for all pizza places before looking at their ratings.

Features/Pages affected

  • I'd likely add links for this page to pages like diet:halal=* or diet:kosher=* to give people the expanded option not just to list you have diet options but they are certified.
  • There are a few pages for sustainability that I might link to.
  • I'll definately add a section for Sensory/Autism to the Disabilities page adding this tag along with another propose sensory_friendly=* or whatever that tag lands as.

External discussions

The OSM.US Slack conversation that kicked the whole page off.


Please comment on the discussion page.