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Logo. Feature: Disabilities
One example for Feature: Disabilities
Tags and features that will be relevant for disabled users

and many others...

For a quick how to mapping guide see the page How to map for the needs of people with disabilities.

General information sources

Tagging for disabilities in general

Different accessibility challenge types

Visual impairment/blindness

Main article: OSM for the blind


  • Loadstone GPS is a free non-graphics satellite navigation software developed for Symbian Mobile/phones using the Series60 platform. See also the interface Nuance Talks.
  • LoroDux is a OSM and Java ME based multi platform navigation software for mobile devices for blind and visually impaired persons.


Using online maps without adaptation

… or: how to make the words on the map bigger?

  • For most/all slippy maps (like the one on osm.org) you can just use your browser's zoom feature (e.g., of Firefox) to enlarge everything. Be sure to not set "zoom only text" in your browser's settings/view/zoom menu options. A downside is that the map image usually gets blurry. If you view a slippy map which uses "retina" tiles, you can magnify much more until the image get blurry (comparison example).
  • Use the zoom function of your operating system (as the font size problem does not only affects you on maps).
  • Using another map style with bigger text and better contrast is another option: for example OpenTopoMap (no street names) or even more contrast with toner-lite by stamen / toner by stamen (few names).


You can find a lot of tags concerning accessibility in these categories:

Walking impairment/wheelchair drivers/stroller


You can find a lot of tags concerning accessibility in these categories:


Hearing impaired/deafness

  • Visual map with icons for objects of special interest to deaf persons (Project does not exist yet)
  • Tags for deaf persons or persons with hearing impairment: See category:Hearing Impairment
  • (Add your project here)


You can find a lot of tags concerning accessibility in these categories:


  • Want to start this project? Just go ahead and link your map here.


  • Deaf persons can usually handle ordinary visual routing software.

Routing for deafblind/hearing impaired and visually impaired

  • LoroDux is a routing software for blind users. It has a vibration mode for navigation, but is not fully accessible for deafblind users.
  • Want to start this project? Just go ahead and link your router here.

Hidden/cognitive/mental disabilities

  • Noise/stress levels
  • Places to seek a pause
  • Special instructions (i.e., in Denmark AutismGoTo provides autism friendly descriptions of theaters, museums etc.)
  • Is it a place where the [Hidden Disabilities Sunflower](https://hdsunflower.com/dk/butik.html) items can be picked up
  • Does the place take special care for people with hidden disabilites, are there special details for people with the Sunflower items


None defined yet

How can I help?

You can support this project for example by working on the following tasks:

  • Identify objects of special interest in your surrounding and map them if tags exist. If there are no tags documented, ask for them here.
  • Help in one of the listed projects.
  • Tell your disabled friends about OSM and ask them to tell their needs here.
  • Organize micro mapping parties that collect very accurate data.
  • Translate this page to other languages.
  • proposing needed tags and keys here on this page
  • adding headlines for other handicaps here on this page
  • adding lines for objects of interest here on this page
  • reminding mappers on object pages to enter additional keys helpful for disabled persons
  • creating icons for the tags and keys and request their rendering
  • programming routing software or renderers that do not rely on visual output.

More information

This page is supposed to collect features, tags and information relevant for disabled persons.

Please add links to the related topics.

You can find a lot of tags concerning accessibility in these categories:

Join the accessibility mailing list by sending an email to accessibility-subscribe@openstreetmap.org.

See this page in other languages for local language mailing lists.

Information sources