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Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: CMoffroad
Tagging: dirtbike=*
Applies to: way, area
Definition: Indicate whether dirtbike (off-road motorcycles) access is allowed or not.

Draft started: 2022-11-16


This key sets the legal access restriction for dirtbikes. Dirtbikes are motorcycles designed for off-road use and include a variety of specialized bikes like trial, motocross, enduro, rally, and dual sport...

This proposal would replace the existing Dirt_bike page which serves only as a definition for Dirtbikes and include a reference to the Key:dirtbike:scale page (that I will be re-working afterward).


In Thailand, Dirtbikes (and MTB/ATVs) are sometimes explicitly forbidden from accessing national park areas and specific ways due to noise and the possible deterioration of the trails. Signs are usually posted at the entrance of the popular off-road tracks and trails to discourage riders. Though rare, fines have been enforced in well-known parks.

Note that for some of these restricted areas/ways, areas can still be accessed by mopeds which are commonly used by locals, so like Key:moped, Key:dirtbike would be essentially a subset of Key:motorcycle. Also in Thailand, motorcycle=yes is the default legal access tag on highway=path.


  • no
  • yes
  • Full list of possible values with descriptions: see Key:access


  • dirtbike=no on a way or area would indicate that dirtbikes are not legally allowed, and the information can be used in the future by renderers/routers when a dirtbike mode is supported.
Thailand Sign Dirtbike and MTB Not allowed.png
