Proposal:Missing link

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Missing link
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: Jajcus
Tagging: missing_link=*
Applies to: way
Definition: Link between two points, which is part of a route or a road which is not yet mapped

Rendered as: Thin dashed line, may be ended with arrows. Optional on rendered maps.
Draft started: 2009-04-21


Sometimes it is good to mark a link between two points even if we don't know the detail route or type of the way.


Existence of a link between two points is often known before the exact way is examined and mapped. Such knowledge should be put on the map, so others will know what ways are missing. Such missing links could also be used in route=* relations to fill in the missing parts or to draft route networks (the links between main nodes could be created as relations and replaced with exact routes later).

How to Map

Just find the start and end points of the link and create a way joining them. Optionally some intermediate points could be added too, but that is not recommended. The value of the missing_link=* should be the same what would be the expected value of highway=* on the physical way implementing the link (if part of the link is highway=primary and part is highway=path, then missing_link=path would be preffered.

Example & Description

Alternate Name Suggestions?

See also


Please use the Template_talk:Proposal_Page for discussion.