Proposal:Public Transport: Auditory Information

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Public Transport: Auditory Information
Proposal status: Approved (active)
Proposed by: Wielandb on behalf of OPENER
Tagging: passenger_information_display:speech_output=*
Applies to: node, way, area, relation
Definition: Multiple tags describing what kind of auditory information is available on public transport stations/platforms.
Rendered as: hidden
Draft started: 2023-02-06
RFC start: 2023-02-24
Vote start: 2023-04-17
Vote end: 2023-05-02


This proposal aims to establish multiple tags to gather different types of auditory information that may be provided at a public transport stop and/or platforms. It wants to establish passenger_information_display:speech_output=* and departures_board:speech_output=* to depict whether passenger information displays and departure boards have speech output that is available on demand by pressing a button. It also proposes the Tag announcement=yes/no to be added to platforms to indicate if and what kind of announcement is provided.


Information like "What are the next departures?" or "Is my train delayed?" are important for any public transport passenger and assist them in planning and managing their trip. Usually this kind of information is displayed as text via electronic departure boards located on the platform. However for people with visual impairments this information is not or hardly obtainable depending on the degree of impairment. Therefore it is crucial to provide the visualized information in a different sensory channel. For information displays this is typically solved by providing speech output of the visualized text. This may either be triggert automatically on certain events or on demand via a button.

Speech output in public transport also provides comfort for all travellers not needing to read/watch the board to get up-to-date information on current plan changes.

The tags departures_board:speech_output=* and especially passenger_information_display:speech_output=* may seem long, but they were chosen because of the established tags departures_board=*, passenger_information_display=* and speech_output=*.


Why not just use departures_board=*/passenger_information_display=* together with speech_output=*?

This works well for cases where the departure board is tagged as a single separate element. This proposal doesn't aim to change this sort of tagging style. However for cases where it is used as a property of the stop or platform (which is how passenger_information_display=* is typically used) it becomes unclear to what the speech_output=* tag refers to or what it describes.

information sign

Below we assume departures_board describes station wide and passenger_information_display platform specific departure boards.


Describes whether the information provided by the departures board can be played as speech output on demand (e.g. by pressing a button).

The Tag departures_board:speech_output=* should be placed on the node way area relation object where departures_board=* is placed. This will most likely be the relation public_transport=stop_area relation of the station, but it may be something or somewhere else. This proposal just proposes to place this tag on the same object. Should the departures board be mapped as a separate node node it is sufficient to add the existing speech_output=* tag on that object.

Situation Suggested Tagging Implied Tagging
There is no departures board departures_board=no departures_board:speech_output=no
There is a real-time departures board with no speech output departures_board=yes/realtime


There is a real-time departures board with speech output departures_board=yes/realtime


There is a timetable departures_board=timetable departures_board:speech_output=no


Describes whether the information provided by the passenger information display can be played as speech output on demand (e.g. by pressing a button).

The tag passenger_information_display:speech_output=* should be placed on the node way area object where passenger_information_display=* is placed. This will in most cases be the object representing public_transport=platform, but it may be something or somewhere else. This proposal just proposes to place this tag on the same object. Should the passenger information display be mapped as a separate node node it is sufficient to add the existing speech_output=* tag on that object.

Situation Suggested Tagging Implied Tagging
There is no passenger information display passenger_information_display=no passenger_information_display:speech_output=no
There is no speech output on the passenger information display passenger_information_display=yes


There is speech output on the passenger information display passenger_information_display=yes



Describes whether public transport related information is announced regularly or on certain events at a specific platform (this information cannot be accessed on demand).

The tag announcement=* should be placed on the node way area object where the tag public_transport=platform is present, especially train stations, but for single bus stops and other places where announcements are not usually provided, announcement=no is the assumed default value and should not be explicitly set.

Situation Suggested Tagging
A platform has no announcements announcement=no
A platform has announcements announcement=yes

Multiple languages

If the need arises, language-suffixes can be used to denote that announcements/speech outputs are also made in another than the locally spoken language. So for example if, in a train station in germany, automatic announcements are made in german and english, you would set the tags announcement=yes,announcement:en=yes.

Public Transport v1

The proposal aims at usage of this tagging with the PTv2-scheme. It should be clarified that of course, also platforms/objects that use the PTv1-scheme (like highway=bus_stop) can be tagged with the proposed tags.


Please note that there is currently some controversy about the usage of departures_board=*/passenger_information_display=*. The examples below do not claim to make statements about which tagging should be used in what situation.

Description Tagging Image
A passenger information display at a bus station. The lower yellow box is actually a button that can be pressed to trigger the speech output. passenger_information_display=yes


Dynamische Fahrplananzeige am TU Chemnitz Campus.jpg
A good (if somewhat rare) example for a departures board with speech output. The two yellow boxes can be pressed to trigger the speech output. departures_board=realtime


Departure Board mit Speech Output.jpg
A common type of departures board. It hangs overhead to be visible in a large area. Because it hangs overhead and is mounted to a lift, there is no button to trigger a speech output. departures_board=realtime


Fahrplananzeigetafel im Leipziger Hauptbahnhof.jpg
A bus stop with seemingly no information displayed. (From what is visible in the picture)






Überdachter Wartebereich.jpg
A departures board that is hung at a bus stop. (From what is visible in the picture)






Fahrplan-Aushang der CVAG.jpg


No special rendering is suggested.

Features/Pages affected

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.


Voting closed

Voting on this proposal has been closed.

It was approved with 9 votes for, 0 votes against and 0 abstentions.

  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Something B (talk) 19:11, 17 April 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Nw520 (talk) 20:45, 17 April 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --TheBlackMan (talk) 16:21, 26 April 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Chris2map (talk) 18:55, 27 April 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Rtnf (talk) 03:12, 29 April 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Mueschel (talk) 11:17, 30 April 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Plamen (talk) 03:18, 1 May 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --TrekClimbing (talk) 05:47, 1 May 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Upstream Snack (talk) 02:48, 2 May 2023 (UTC)