Pasture - Tag:meadow=pasture, originally landuse=pasture | |
Proposal status: | Rejected (inactive) |
Proposed by: | Segatus |
Tagging: | meadow (originally landuse)=pasture |
Applies to: | ![]() |
Definition: | Grassland for grazing, not for mowing |
Statistics: |
Rendered as: | green, but different from landuse=meadow alone |
Draft started: | 2013-06-30 |
RFC start: | 2013-07-03 |
Vote start: | 2013-08-19 |
Vote end: | 2013-09-02 |
Used to tag an area of grassland used for grazing.
Read in German.
How to Use
Draw a way around the area and tag:Read in German. meadow=pasture
This proposal intends to resolve the ambiguous use of landuse=meadow.
Currently, landuse=meadow is for grassland used for mowing or grazing. It makes no distinction between mowing or grazing. That is a loss of information. Information that a mapper gathers on site and can provide, and information that can be useful to the hiker using the map.
Read in German.
How to distinguish between meadow and pasture
- evenly mowed, all plants equally short Read in German.
- as with a lawn mowed using a lawn mower, you can see the tracks where the tractor went, for example by the direction in which the grass is pressed down Read in German.
- fenced, especially with active electric fence Read in German.
- stamped down grass, especially along the fence Read in German.
- excrements Read in German.
- optionally: drinking trough Read in German.
- unregularly grazed down, some plants are disdained by the animals Read in German.
- optionally: shelter against bad weather Read in German.
- and of course: the animals themselves Read in German.
- Use landuse=meadow alone as before if you don't know whether the area is used for mowing or grazing, or if it's clearly for mowing. Read in German.
- Additionally use meadow=pasture if you know that the area is clearly used for grazing. Read in German.
This was also, though not formally, proposed in Riding. To take full advantage of this subtag, the map renderer must be adapted. With landuse=meadow and meadow=pasture, the result is green, but equally green as with landuse=meadow alone, so the renderer will not take full advantage of the data. (de)Dieses wurde schon in Riding vorgeschlagen, allerdings ohne formales Proposal. Der Renderer muß auch so angepaßt werden, weil sonst Wiesen und Weiden farblich nicht zu unterscheiden sind.
Tag suggestion
<tag k="meadow" v="pasture"/>
See also
Please discuss on Talk:Proposed_features/pasture. On a different German forum, there has been a discussion about this, to which I answer here, currently only in German, but I can translate it into English if needed.
2010 gab es auf [1][2] dazu eine Diskussion. Hier möchte ich auf die dort vorgebrachten Argumente eingehen:
Argument: Von außen kann dies (zumindest in meiner Gegend) nicht immer unterschieden werden, wenn charakteristische Merkmale (Zaun, frisch gemäht) fehlen. Es geht also nur mit lokaler Kenntnis.
Antwort: Grundsätzlich kann man das meiste nur vor Ort richtig einschätzen, das sollte doch kein Hinderungsgrund sein, den Tag einzurichten.
Argument: Die Nutzung kann durchaus wechseln (auch innerhalb eines Jahres). Wenig bewandte Anwender sehen da nur Grünflächen.
Antwort: Bei allen Unsicherheiten gilt: mit landuse=meadow ist man auf der sicheren Seite. Der Vorschlag besagt ja, daß man nur landuse=pasture verwenden sollte, wenn man sich sicher ist (am besten vor Ort), daß man eine Weide und keine Wiese vor sich hat. Wenn eine Weide über Jahre hinweg als solche genutzt wird, dann verschwinden innerhalb eines Winters die Trampelpfade nicht, so schnell wächst das Gras nicht wieder. Ein Mapper, der sich auskennt, kann also durchaus die Anzeichen einer Weide erkennen, und nur für solche ist der Tag gedacht. Und für Kartennutzer wie z.B. Wanderer, die mit offenen Augen durch die Welt gehen.
Argument: Ein Zaun ist nicht unbedingt ein sicheres Unterscheidungsmerkmal: Ein fester Zaun umgibt auch schon mal Wiesen. Ebenso lassen fehlende Zäune nicht unbedingt auf eine Wiese schließen, da sie abseits der Saison auch abgebaut werden. Die Unterscheidung ist (wegen der fließenden Grenzen) nicht einfach und für die meisten Nutzer auch unerheblich.
Antwort: Wie an den Bildern ersichtlich, springt der Unterschied an vielen Stellen sofort ins Auge. Wenn man die Tiere grasen sieht, dann ist es eine Weide. Und erheblich ist alles für den Wanderer draußen in der Natur, woran er erkennen kann, wo er sich befindet.
Similar tags
- landuse=meadow
- landuse=grass - An unspecified area where grass grows. E.g. a lawn in a park, the middle of a roundabout, part of a golf course, the side of the road, etc.
- natural=grassland - A plant community characterized by vegetation dominated by grasses and non-woody plants.
- natural=scrub - A plant community characterized by vegetation dominated by shrubs (bush) More woody plants than a meadow or grassland.
- natural=heath - A dwarf-shrub habitat, characterised by open, low growing woody vegetation, often dominated by plants of the Ericaceae. More woody plants than a meadow or grassland.
The first photo shows a pasture with shelter, electric fence, drinking trough, excrements and stamped down grass. Read in German.
The second one shows horses near a shelter. Read in German.
The last one shows how to tell a pasture from a meadow in a JOSM session with Bing imagery: the white spots are cows on a pasture. Read in German.
Please use {{vote|yes}} or {{vote|no}} and give your reasons to oppose. Use ~~~~ to sign your user name & date.
I oppose this proposal. because the grassland in the areas I map are both meadow and pasture according to the proposed definition, and because air-photo mapping will get the wrong answer depending on season. Every "meadow" around here has cows turned into it to finish off the grass after hay cutting. A more useful distinction in this area is between a protected meadow and one used for animal husbandry (the never or rarely grazed meadows have more varieties of flowers and more birds, and a rough uncut appearance). Note that protected is a legal status, ungrazed/uncut is only observable over time and may include abandoned fields that are in fact ranchable or farmable. Brycenesbitt (talk)
- I abstain from this proposal. This is much better than landuse=pasture, but my point about wood pasture has not been addressed, and other values for
pasture=*meadow=* would also be interesting. --Fkv (talk) 07:50, 28 August 2013 (UTC)
I oppose this proposal. for the reasons given by Brycenesbitt. In my area, grazing after harvesting the meadow is also common practice. Distinguishing between the two is difficult and IMO not worthwhile. AlaskaDave (talk) 02:01, 26 September 2013 (UTC)
I oppose this proposal. --Mink (talk) 23:19, 18 December 2013 (UTC)