Reference values in the United Kingdom

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Reference numbers can be useful for linking to third-party datasets, in order to aid comparisons and help with assessing completion within OSM. The tables below list the reference numbers and keys in common use in the United Kingdom.

Objects OSM Key Ref/ID Name Data Custodian External Dataset Licence Notes
Defibrillators ref:GB:the_circuit=* Circuit UUID British Heart Foundation The Circuit - Permission granted to add UUIDs to OSM.
Food Outlets fhrs:id=* FHRS Number Food Standards Agency / Local Authorities (D) FHRS Open Data OGLv3
Highways ref=*
Highway Number Highway Authorities (C) List of Streets various
Listed Buildings ref:GB:nhle=*
Listing Number Historic England National Heritage List for England OGLv3
Listed Buildings (Wales) ref:cadw=* Listing Number Cadw
Post Boxes ref=* Post box number Royal Mail CMD Postbox List (out of date) None
Post Offices ref:pol_id=* Post Office ID Post Office Ltd. Post Office Branch List OGLv3
Properties ref:GB:uprn=* Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) GeoPlace / Local Authorities (D) OS Open UPRN OGLv3
Public Monuments and Sculpture PMSA_ref=* PMSA National Recording Project database id UK's Public Monument and Sculpture Association
Public Rights of Way prow_ref=* Right of Way Number Surveying Authorities (C) PRoW GIS Data various
Public Transport Stations / Stops naptan:AtcoCode=* ATCO Code Department for Transport / Local Authorities (C) NaPTAN OGLv3
Railway stations ref:crs=* CRS code
Renewable energy projects repd:id=* Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD) ID Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Renewable Energy Planning Database OGLv3 (source)
Schools (England & Wales) ref:edubase=* Udubase URN Department for Education Udubase / Get Information About Schools OGLv3
Schools (Scotland) ref:seedcode=* SEED Code Education Scotland
Schools (Northern Ireland) ref:deniirn=* DENI IRN Department of Education (NI)
Streets ref:GB:usrn=* Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) GeoPlace / Local Authorities (D) OS Open USRN OGLv3