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Public-images-osm logo.svg multifeature
Container for more then one logical object at the same physical place.
  • nodearea - parent feature
  • relation - other relation of this type as parent
Status: undefined

Relation type as an container for mapping and linking more then one logical feature at the same physical place, e.g. on the same node.

At the moment there is no possibility to map only one physical place/object e.g. a combined café and restaurant, as café and restaurant. Even if the used keys don't overlap, you may have a problem to decide, which additional keys belong to which feature, maybe throwing away information belonging only to one of the features.

The alternative is to make another node for the same feature, which is physically not there at this place, maybe only linked by the same name, but not logical in the data. The additional shop may have no own name, as shop B is inside of shop A and the name of shop A is linked to the type of business of shop A, so it is misleading for shop B.

See also