State Of The Map 2012
State of the Map 2012 was held in Tokyo, Japan from the 6th-8th September 2012.
Further information is available on the...
Also follow @sotm
on twitter and join the facebook group
Group photos
Gigapan [1] Quadcopter video [2] Map tiles [3]
View photos with the sotm12 tag on flickr/sotm2012 tag on flickr.
Live video
We had a stream of live video at the following URLs for the two different venue rooms:
- Main Convention Hall:
- Second Conference Room:
Conference kicks off at 9 AM Tokyo time
Conference Program
The conference program is available here:
Sept. 1st-2nd (Saturday-Sunday): Excursion
Pre-excursion to TOHOKU, Tsunami Disaster Area.
Sept. 6th (Thursday): "OSM to the Rescue"
Sept. 7th (Friday): Technical day
Sept. 8th (Saturday): Community day
- See
- Slides, resources, videos, etc.
- Foundation AGM and board election
Sept. 9th (Sunday): Mt. TAKAO
- Post Mapping Beer Party in Mt. TAKAO
Other events
- Welcome Party
- 2012 Campus Map Contest
- 2012 Karaoke Video Contest
- OSM Foundation AGM
- Akihabara Mapping Party on Sptember 5th
- Pre-conference drinks September 5th
There are a few tracks which are in Japanese, we have asked the Japanese presenters to include English subtitles where possible, so those should also be understandable for all.
Reports/articles on SotM12
- Making Maps Without Borders, Epilogue - Wil Waters.
- Geofabrik Blog
- Swiss OpenStreetMap Association
- State of the Map 2012 and Shinjuku Nightlife / Gone Wandering
- SOTM Day 2, Yakata-Bune Dinner Cruise, and a Night in Roppongi / Gone Wandering
- Aburasoba, Multi-currency Auctions, and Harajuku Teenyboppers / Gone Wandering
- State of the Map - a lesson in humility
- GEO Informatics / In the Spotlight
In Japanese:
- 世界のマッパーが来日した「オープンストリートマップ」の国際会議 (Internet Watch)
- “地図のWikipedia”OpenStreetMapの国際会議が日本で初開催 (IT Pro)
- State Of The Map 2012開催!高尾山マッピングパーティーに参加しました (Geo-Girls Blog)
- SotM2012 Tokyo (OpenStreetMapのすすめ Blog)
Want to present?
For the sessions the official call for papers has closed and the program has been released but it's not too late!. If you missed the deadline and have something great to present, there will be opportunities for
- Lightning Talks on Thu. and Fri. (Add your name and talk now!)
- Unconference sessions on Sat.
Useful Information
- Getting to the venue
- Transport (in Tokyo and from/to the airport)
- Accommodation
- Various travel tips
- Who's coming?
- Lightning Talks
Shorter link to this page: