State of the Map Europe 2011/Transport
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This page exists so we can try to organise transport links from and to the airports to the conference. Furthermore, you can team up to travel together from neighboring countries. Not sure how to travel there? See Getting there.
Vienna International Airport (VIE) 
Monday 11th July
- Patrick Staehlin arriving from ZRH at 10:15 on HG8151
Tuesday 12th July
- SK53 arrivnig from LHR at 10:55 on BA0696
- Ilya Zverev (+1) arriving from LED at 19:15 on OS612
Wednesday 13th July
- Maksim Gurtovenko arriving from DME at 11:50 on UN 0323
- Jeroen van Wilgenburg arriving from ASD at 13:30 on KL 1845
- Martin Holmgren (+1) arriving from GOT at 14:30 on OS 324
- Andrei Bejan arriving from LGW at 20:15 on EZY5359
Thursday 14th July
- Richard W arriving from AMS at 08:30 on KLM 1839
- simon arriving from ZRH at 10:15 on HG 8151
- Olaf arriving from DUS at 11:50 on LH 6354
- Ojw arriving from LHR at 15:25 on EZ5357
- Al Pascual arriving from LAX/LHR at 17:20 on UNITED 7695
- Dennis Luxen arriving from FRA at 19:10 on LH 6925
- Malcolm Herring arriving from LBA/AMS at 19:10 on KL1847
- Tom Hughes arriving from LHR at 22:50 on OS 456
Friday 15 July
- Andrew Shadoura and Darafei Praliaskouski arriving from MSQ at 6:05 on B2 690
- Marc arriving from FRA at 8:05 on LH 1232
- Martin Christen arriving from ZRH at 10:15 on HG8151
- Peter Mooney arriving from DUB at 11:00 on EI0660
- Gilles Bassière arriving from MRS via MUC at 10:25 on LH 2326
Sunday 17th July
- Peter Mooney departing to DUB at 11:45 on EI0661
- Andrei Bejan departing to LGW at 15:15 on EZY5358
- Tom Hughes departing to LHR at 17:15 on OS 455
- Martin Christen departing to ZRH at 19:05 on HG8252
- Patrick Staehlin departing to ZRH at 19:05 on HG8252
- Marc departing to FRA at 19:55 on LH 6337
- Jeroen van Wilgenburg departing to ASD at 19:55 on KL 1848
- Al Pascual departing to LHR at 20:05 on UNITED 428
- Martin Holmgren (+1) departing to GOT at 20:35 on OS 325
- Gilles Bassière departing to MRS via BRU at 18:20 on BA 2906
Monday 18th July
- simon departing to ZRH at 19:05 on HG 8252
- Olaf departing to DUS at 20:00 on LH 3097
- Malcolm Herring departing to AMS/LBA at 11:30 on KL 1840
Tuesday 19th July
- Ilya Zverev (+1) departing to LED at 12:45 on OS611
Wednesday 20th July
- Maksim Gurtovenko departing to DME at 17:30 on UN 7328
Bratislava Airport (BTS) 
Thursday 14th July
- Bartosz Fabianowski arriving from BGY at 18:30 on FR 4642
- Zsombor Szabo arriving from AMS at 12:10 on OK0201, RBD:N
Tuesday 19th July
- Bartosz Fabianowski departing to BGY at 18:55 on FR 4643
By Car
- I offer a ride from Nürnberg -- Markus
- someone driving through east Germany? I hail from Leipzig - would be glad if someone could offer a ride. contact me. :)
- Can someone offer a ride from Northern Germany? --Ant
- (put date, place of departure and name here and if you can offer seats or if you are looking for a seat)
- (put date, place of departure and name here and if you can offer seats or if you are looking for a seat)
(put different countries here if needed)
By Train
- nickw, coming from London staying overnight at Cologne. Wednesday: 1434 from St Pancras to Brussels (EST9138); 1825 Brussels to Cologne (ICE 19). Thursday: 1220 Cologne to Frankfurt (ICE 15); 1416 Frankfurt to Vienna (ICE 29); arrive 2126. This was EUR 88. Leaving for Salzburg sometime Monday via unknown train then hiking for a few days Tuesday to Friday in the Berchtesgaden area. Returning to UK from Salzburg on Sunday 24th.
- Aleš Janda is coming on Friday by train EN 477 at 6:22 (Wien Westbahnhof). Leaving on Sunday evening by R 406
- Smsm1 cycling to near Koblenz, then taking the sleeper train ZUG421 21:12 Thursday 14/07/2011 from Koblenz to Wien Westbahnhof 09:04. Returning Sunday 17/07/2011 from Wien Westbahnhof -> Koblenz 07:44 on ZUG420. Then cycling back to London.
- LastGrape/Gregory Wednesday 08:27 from St Pancras via Brussels to Cologne. Spending a few hours there then the 20:05 sleeper to arrive in Wien Wastbahnhof 9:04 Thurs 14/07/2011. Leaving on Monday 18/07/2011 at 19:48pm sleeper train, and going the same way back.
- Marcel Hövelmann Nighttrain from Cologne Friday 20:05 to Vienna arriving at 09:04. Leaving Vienna on Saturday with nighttrain at 19:48 to Cologne
- Lucadelu Friday 18:00 from Trento via Innsbruck. Leaving on Sunday night
- Ant departing on Monday 7.48 p.m. on EN 490
- Roland Olbricht arriving on Thursday 17:26 (Wien Westbahnhof). Leaving on Saturday morning by aircraft.
- petschge arriving Friday 13:26 with ICE 21
- Kolossos coming from Dresden with Nighttrain (EN 477) on Thursday morning.
By Motorbike
Henk Hoff is planning on going by motorbike. Rough idea on route: Netherlands - Luxembourg - Eifel/Moezel - Schwarzwald - Tirol - Vienna. With couple of nights on camping (when nice weather) and/or bikerhotels along the way. Interested in joining this trip? Put your name down below (with starting point). End of June I'll start planning a more detailed version of the route (to and from).
- Henk Hoff - Leaving from Assen, Netherlands
By Bus
- Jirka Pánek, coming from Brno 10:15, in Vienna at 12:15