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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = concert_hall
Musikverein Vienna June 2006 480.jpg
Hall designed for performances of live (usually classical) music. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: amenities
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may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: in use

A [W] Concert Hall is a building or sometimes a room inside a larger building built specifically for the performance of live music, mainly from the classical tradition.

information sign

The more popular tagging approach ist amenity=theatre + theatre:type=concert_hall.

Concert halls differ from theatres in a number of ways: open stage, no or very limited back stage area, significantly different acoustic design, no fly tower, orchestra pit, wings etc. Concert Halls may have a large organ built into their fabric, often with parts of the organ, including the console occupying a prominent position at the rear of the stage area. Equally the rear of the stage often rises in a series of tiers to accommodate sections of an orchestra and choral singers. In many cases, the [W] Sydney Opera House Sydney Opera House being a good example, theatres and concert halls share backstage and front-of-house facilities in a single building.

Notable concert halls include: [W] Tonhalle Tonhalle, Zurich; [W] Musikverein Musikverein, Vienna; [W] Royal Albert Hall the Royal Albert Hall, London; [W] Holywell Music Room Holywell Music Room, Oxford [W] Royal Festival Hall Royal Festival Hall, London.

How to map

Add a node to the centre of the concert hall (building or space), or draw an area outlining the building. Tag it with amenity=concert_hall. Add the name=*. If the concert hall is a dedicated building, map it as a area and add building=concert_hall.

Use amenity=theatre + theatre:type=concert_hall instead. Consider also adding the predominant genre of music performed with theatre:genre=*.

Music theatre genre and type tags

The following tags are often used in to further refine facilities tagged with amenity=theatre.




See also