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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = tent_ground
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Status: undefined

Natural spot suitable for pitching a tent, but not prepared as a camping ground. A reason for mapping this kind of natural feature is that such spots are useful for hikers etc, but may take effort to find. This is especially the case when most of the nature in a given area is unsuitable because of for example slope, vegetation, rocky ground or being close to buildings.

A tent ground should normally be

  • large enough for at least a 3-person hiking tent
  • even, with no large vegetation, roots, rocks or similar obstacles
  • soft enough for tent pegs
  • without incline of any significance
  • dry, and in a location that stay at least as dry as surroundings during rainfall

Additionally, it should be located in a spot where it is legal to pitch a tent (for example not in nature reserves with tents forbidden), not near roads with significant amounts of traffic, and not in direct line of sight from residential buildings or other buildings with frequent human activity.

If there is any sign of development specifically as a camping ground (like a sign with a tent symbol), it should probably be mapped as some version of Tag:tourism=camp_site instead. This tag is intended as a practical stopgap measure - in the future, tagged features may have to be re-tagged if the camp site tags are reorganised.

See also