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Public-images-osm logo.svg bicycle = no
Bircolage Academy New Orleans No Bicycle sign.JPG
indicates that riding bicycle is not allowed. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
Status: de facto

This tag is used to express that cycling on given object such as highway=tertiary is not allowed.


Example Tagging
Japan road sign 309.svg RU road sign 3.9.svg MUTCD R5-6.svg

(on way representing highway)

Crossing IMG 20200819 140456.jpg

(on node representing crossing)


(on way representing boardwalk)

Viaduc d'Abrest depuis la rive gauche - Pied à terre 2020-07-11.JPG

(on way representing walkway on a bridge)

Pushing bicycle

Sign prohibiting both riding and pushing bicycles.

Note that carrying or pushing bicycles may be still accepted[2][3].

In some places it is illegal to both ride and push bicycle but it is legal to walk[4], there is no good tagging scheme to indicate it[5], bicycle_pushed=no and bicycle_possession=no were suggested[6][7].

Objects where both cycling and walking (foot=no + bicycle=no) such as typical motorway are not problematic, as dismounting and walking while pushing bicycle is clearly not OK. There is also bicycle=dismount for tagging places where one is allowed to push bicycle but not allowed to cycle. Note that while roads/footways completely banning even pushing bicycles are quite rare compared to ones where just cycling is not allowed, bicycle=no is far more popular than bicycle=dismount. It is used over 942 000 times together with highway=*[8] while bicycle=dismount just 73 000 times[9]. It indicates that majority of mappers is using bicycle=no to indicate places where pushing bicycle is OK.

Even if someone is using bicycle=no with intention to state that pushing/carrying bicycle there is forbidden it is impossible to distinguish bicycle=no mapped with meaning "no cycling" and "no presence of bicycles is allowed". It makes bicycle=no and bicycle=dismount tags a de facto equivalent.

Note that some mappers used bicycle=no to mark "not even carrying/pushing bicycle here is legal".

See also
