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Public-images-osm logo.svg building = livestock
Stable at Highstanding Barn, West Lavington, West Sussex.jpg
A building or part of a building that was built for housing livestock. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Area building=yes.png
Group: buildings
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: in use

The tag building=livestock can be used to tag a building that was built for housing livestock.

The tag building:use=livestock can be used to tag buildings of other types which are used for housing livestock.

Use it when the more precise value (e.g. building=cowshed, building=stable, building=sty etc.) is not known (or keeps changing).

If even less information is known (i.e. it is only known that this farm building is not intended for human residence, but it is unknown if it is for example a barn or a building for livestock), then please use building=farm_auxiliary

How to map

Map the building as usual and tag it with building=barn. And then add any of the below tags e.g. building=livestock; livestock=turkeys.


Tags Description
livestock=breeding_hens Hens that lay eggs for breeding poultry.
livestock=broilers Chickens that are raised for meat.
livestock=cattle Cattle that are raised for meat. Also see building=cowshed
livestock=laying_hens Hens that lay eggs for human consumption.
livestock=pigs Pigs that are raised for meat. Also see building=sty
livestock=pullets Chicks that are raised for breeder barns and then transferred to the livestock=breeding_hens barn.
livestock=turkeys Turkeys that are raised for meat.