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Public-images-osm logo.svg crossing_ref = delineated
Using this tag is discouraged, use crossing:markings=dashes instead. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: crossings
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: deprecatedPage for proposal

exclamation mark

This feature has been labeled as deprecated. The recommended replacement is: crossing:markings=dashes.
The reason is documented in Deprecated features. You are still free to continue to use or interpret this tag as you see fit since OpenStreetMap does not have “banned features”.
Under no circumstances should you (semi-)automatically change “deprecated” tags to something else in the database on a large scale without conforming to the automated edits code of conduct. Any such change will be reverted.

See https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/omtaggen-crossing-ref-delineated/126965 for discussion about deprecation of this tag.

Delineated crossings are a type of pedestrian crossing where road markings guide pedestrians and alert other road users that they are at a point where pedestrians may cross. In contrast with other crossing types such as crossing_ref=zebra, this crossing type offers no priority to the pedestrians using it (unless granted by the presence of in-use traffic lights overriding the markings). The markings are purely cautionary.

Examples of places where this type of crossing is used include there where footways cross a (larger) road perpendicularly, or where sidewalks have lowered kerbs and/or tactile paving allowing pedestrians with disabilities to cross more safely.

An example of a delineated crossing seen from above. The kerbs at the location of the crossing are lowered and marked with tactile paving.

When not to use

When a pedestrian crossing offers right of way to the pedestrians and features the typical zebra pattern of markings perpendicular to the direction of the footway crossing the road, use crossing_ref=zebra.

When there are no road markings, but other signs of there being a crossing exist (such as lowered kerbs, gaps in road-side barriers, or tactile paving) crossing_ref=* tends to be omitted, and crossing=unmarked may be used.

If there are other features that place this crossing in a more specific, possibly regional class of crossings, use that instead.

How to tag

Add crossing_ref=delineated to the highway=crossing node node. Also add the appropriate crossing=* tag-value (crossing=uncontrolled or crossing=traffic_signals).

Optionally, add it to the highway=footway way way in combination with footway=crossing.

Regional applicability

This type of pedestrian crossing often lacks a formal designation due to its lack of legal protections (e.g., the lack of priority over traffic on the road). It is nonetheless a common type of crossing. This tag can be used wherever the characteristics documented here apply.

In the Netherlands this type of crossing is common; the lines used to delineate this type of crossing are formally called 'kanalisatiestrepen'.

See also