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Public-images-osm logo.svg hazard = school_zone
MUTCD Sign Assembly - S1-1 with W16-9P.svg
An area near a school where special traffic laws apply. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: hazards
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

A school zone is an area near a school in which special traffic laws apply. Motorists are advised via signage to reduce speed and watch for the presence of schoolchildren in the roadway.

How to map

This tag should be applied to the stretch of highway=* for which the school zone applies.

Consider adding maxspeed:advisory=* for a displayed advisory school zone speed, or maxspeed:conditional=* for a displayed time restricted but enforced school zone speed, where applicable.

Signage examples

The tables below show what school zone signage looks like in various countries.

Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Canada
Chile Colombia
Argentina P-25A.svg AU-VIC road sign R4-V105 (40).svg Belgian traffic sign A23.svg
Belgian traffic sign F4a.svg
Brasil A-33a.svg Ontario Wc-1.svg Ontario Wc-1.svg Québec D-265-D.svg CL road sign PO-9.svg Colombia road sign SP-47.svg
Indonesia Ireland Jamaica Japan Liberia Malaysia Mexico Netherlands
Indonesia New Road Sign 6c.png Ireland road sign W 141.svg Jamaica road sign W11-1.svg Japan road sign 208.svg Vienna Convention road sign Ab-13-V1.svg Kanak kanak sekolah melintas.png Mexico road sign SP-33.svg Nederlands verkeersbord J21 (school).svg
New Zealand Panama Peru Philippines Thailand USA Uruguay
NZ road sign W16-4-FYG + W16-5.1-FYG.svg Panama P-33.svg Peru road sign P-49.svg Philippines road sign W6-2.svg
Philippines road sign W8-9.svg
Thailand road sign ต-57 + ตส-14.svg MUTCD Sign Assembly - S1-1 with W16-9P.svg Uruguay Road Sign P32.svg

See also