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Public-images-osm logo.svg healthcare:speciality = family_planning
a family planing center
Group: health
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Status: undefined

An association that promotes sex education and offers accompaniment in the most difficult times.

Family planning, or family planning, is all the means that contribute to the regulation of births, with the aim of enabling families to choose to have a child. Family planning centres are the places that make these facilities available and inform about their implementation. Family planning benefits may vary by country. The planning centres provide information on contraception and voluntary termination of pregnancy, refer to doctors and partners, perform pregnancy tests, perform gynaecological examinations and manage gynaecological infections. Prescription contraception is possible through the presence of a doctor or midwife.

How to tag

Put a tag healthcare:speciality=family_planning on a node or a building.

Clés voisines

  • Phone contact:phone=*
  • Contact mail: contact:email=*
  • website: contact:website=*
  • Opening hours opening_hours=*

Site web

international federation: https://www.ippf.org/

Pages liées

Taguer en support des femmes
