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Public-images-osm logo.svg hedge = hedge_bank
Hedge bank.jpg
A hedge bank is a barrier, comprising an earth bank with shrubby plants growing in it
Group: barriers
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasuse on relations unspecified
Status: in use

A "hedge bank" describes a type of hedge, often used as a boundary between agricultural land and highways. They are comprised of an earth bank from which woody plants, shrubs or grasses grow, forming the hedge.


This tag was introduced in Germany as a result of a forum discussion to distinguish this type of hedge from a garden hedge. As of November 2022, nearly all (98.3%) of uses of this tag are in Germany, where they may be commonly referred to as Knick, Knicke, Knicks, Över or Öwer.

In the United Kingdom, this type of hedge appears to be similar to a Cornish_hedge and Devon_hedge. The hedge=cornish tag has some usage in the UK.

How to map

Add hedge=hedge_bank to a barrier=hedge feature.