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Public-images-osm logo.svg route = portage
Route for carrying boats over land
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasmay be used on relations
See also
Status: in use

route=portage is used to designate a route relation intended for use by people carrying canoes, kayaks, or other small boats (see key:portage). Portage routes allow paddlers to transfer between waterways, or to access a waterway from a parking lot or other starting point.

While relations are not required to map portages, they can be helpful in complex cases. Relations group all the segments of a portage route together, and allow the tagging of summary attributes such as the portage's name, operator, or expected length.

How to map

See relation:route for general guidance on creating routes in OSM. For a portage route, create a relation relation with the primary tag type=route and the subtag route=portage. Each member of the relation should be a routable way way with a positive portage=* tag, such as portage=yes or portage=designated. Do not include paddlable water features such as waterway=link in the route.


  • relation 16733252 – La Chute Portage
  • relation 13434762 – Ball Band Dam portage
  • relation 17392350 – portage on Isle Royale

See also

  • route=canoe - water trails relations, which may also include portage sections