Depth / Bathometric data
As I am working on a seismic vessel at the moment, and witnessed the level of harvested bathometric data done in this part of oil exploration, I wonder how this data can be imported into a separate dataset such as SRTM. I talked with a client representative from Shell, and he believes that the oil companies (and the survey companies and national agencies for that matter) can easily release the bathometric data under PD license for free use, as long as the valuable data (to them) are separated from it. The oil companies are paying large sums of money for the data which is below the seabed, but in consequence of this are getting survey lines with (at the current project) 500m separations and sample points every 18m. Some surveys are done with all lines in a certain direction (single azimuth) while others are with data in several directions (multi azimuth), but as a result, bathometric data exists for extremely large parts of the ocean seabed, and with the right requests to the right departments can have all of this released or donated for our usage. --Skippern 08:12, 10 August 2010 (BST)