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As on land there are hills and valleys on the seabed too. Bathymetry [1]is the study of underwater depth of lake or ocean floors.

The shape of the seabed has a great influence on currents and therefore on the climate, the flora and fauna, the occurence of natural resources, the tides, tsunamis and of course on a ships safety at sea. Along the edges of tectonic plates huge trenches and ridges are formed.

It would be very interesting to display detailed bathymetry data on a free nautical map (e.g. While for the deep sea a rather coarse resolution is sufficient, it is vital to have very detailed data for the shallow coastal waters.

For shoals see:Water Depth.

First steps

Maps of dry land
Map Link Equidistance Shading
[2] 10 m
[3] 10 m ja
[4] 10 m
Slowakische Karte 20 m ja
Nautical Chart
Seekarte not jet...
Tobias Wendorff is computing a depth data model and rendering
Christoph Eckert computed the whole world in 1° tiles
A student of Frederik Ramm did something too.
Alexander Zipf computes Europe

in the OSM-Wiki

Contours of the Cyclemap
Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) - as a base for water depths in costal waters


Srtm2Osm: automatically downloads the data and converts it to OSM file format. One requests data within a bounding box , the resolution of the resulting data and it outputs an OSM file. This tool directly downloads SRTM3 V2 data. Caveats: Doesn't work with a proxy, the original data has enormeous artefacts within the bigger mountains, and it doesn't work with very large areas.


SRTM all about SRTM data and the data itself
Global Bathymetric Prediction for Ocean Modelling and Marine Geophysics
Cleantopo2, edited SRTM30_plus data (land and sea data), public domain, full resolution, 16-bit tiff files, resolution 10.800 x 5.400 px.
NDGC: Coastal data for the US, Pacific and atlantic coast, Gulf of Mexico, public domain
CIGAR: SRTM to fill the gaps, according to Frederik Ramm not CC-BY-SA-compatible
collection of links


Zone Relief-Farbe
Zoom Äquidistanz Weltmeere Küste nahe Küste
Zoom 3 1000 m Relief
Zoom 4 1000 m Relief
Zoom 5 1000 m Relief
Zoom 6 1000 m Relief
Zoom 7 1000 m Relief 200-m-zone colored
Zoom 8 1000 m Relief 200-m-zone colored
Zoom 9 0500 m 200-m-zone colored
Zoom 10 0500 m 200-m-zone colored 20-m-zone
Zoom 11 0100 m 200-m-zone colored 20-m-zone
Zoom 12 0100 m 20-m-zone
ab Zoom 13 0050 m 20-m-Line, 5-m-zone, 2-m-Linie

All this has to be adapted to the certain areas of interest. In the Mediterranean, with a depth of about 4000 meters, the rendering has to be different from, say, the Baltic Sea with an average depth of 50 meters.

Details have to be shown in coastal waters at zomlevel 12 and above.

Bigger lakes should have depth lines too, at zoomlevel 13 or above.

For sailors, Fischermen and Divers


maximum detail in coastal waters where it is most interesting for sailors, fischermen and divers:

Tiefe Darstellung
002 m line
005 m zone colored blue
010 m line
020 m line
050 m line
100 m line