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More intelligent import suite
Hi, is there a possibility to have a more intelligent import. We had an manual import of Mc Donald's restaurants in Germany. There is the situation more complicated:
- restaurants are allready there
- we have only the adress data
So what should a tool do?
- build up an adress->geoposition list
- determine baseing on the administrative level (village, city,...) a search area for dublicates
- pre cleanup (if there's just one restaurant in the city and is there just one restaurant to add, it has to be the only one)
for te remaining ones do:
- search if there are dublicates within this area, then mark the entry as allready present
- if there's no possible matching item around try to determine a position based on the adress (via OSM)
- if there are absolutely no housenumbers add a vague point with "fixme=position not clear" or just an openstreetbug or mark them for manualy adding
- if there are only a few adress nodes try to interpolate the right position and mark them as guessed
- if there is the right housenumber add a new node
- if there's no possible matching item around try to determine a position based on the adress (via OSM)
- return a list and statistics about dublicates/unsure/added items
-- User:!i! 17:42, 27 November 2009