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How does a school differentiate from a university campus ?

Rtfm (talk) 00:17, 4 March 2023 (UTC)

First of all, using a campus=* for names is poor syntax. It's not self-explanatory or obvious, and may instead be used for main vs satellite vs small campuses.
It is inappropriate and unworkable to define or require amenity=university to be a single object representing the entire university. This is not the common usage, has no support, and is difficult to maintain. It's also unclear in complex structures, eg collegiate universities or university systems. There is no comparison with landuse=education either.
It's funny you use amenity=hospital in Key:campus#Related_tags. This is worse. For both of these and other schools, brand=* and branch=* could be used instead. network=* would be for cross-brand hospital alliances or university systems. (As an example of OSM difference with Wikipedia's often imprecise definitions, Hospital network is more of a brand=*, not network=* literally. I noticed this from Wikidata.)
--- Kovposch (talk) 04:21, 4 March 2023 (UTC)


What exactly is the use case for this? To name satellite campuses? we have name=* for that, plus the multipolygon to specify the area. I don't see why this tag shouldn't just be deprecated.

I agree. Some universities have different campuses spread around a city. They can already be joined through the operator=* tag. This tagging scheme might have many adverse effects, complicating searches or making the map harder to grasp. I don’t recall seeing a discussion about introducing this key. Bxl-forever (talk) 19:10, 23 August 2023 (UTC)