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Public-images-osm logo.svg branch
Porter Ranch Bank of America.jpg
Identifies which branch of a brand or chain this object represents, or controversially the name of a branch railway. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: shops
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)use on relations unspecified
Status: in usePage for proposal

The key branch=* is used to either identify which branch of a brand or chain an object or community represents, or controversially the name of a branch railway.


Chain locations

Used with brand=* for a local branch of a bank, a shop, restaurant, a gas station or similar, which are part of a chain.

  • name=* should hold what can be physically observed on signs at the individual branch.
  • Also see operator=*

This page previously proposed: "For smaller towns with only one branch, give the name of the town. For cities with multiple branches, give the name of a neighborhood, street or intersection. Note that this is often both less complex than and different from the address."

However, OpenStreetMap follows the on-the-ground principle: we map what features are called locally, usually indicated by signs or other verifiable evidence. Do not invent a branch name which is not used locally, outside of OpenStreetMap.


Tags Photo
name=Tesco Express


branch=Canary Wharf

brand=Hotel Barceló
name=Hotel Barceló Hamburg

Hamburg Ferdinandstraße DS567n.jpg

name=Mercedes-Benz Vitoria

Vitoria - Fábrica de Mercedes-Benz 3.jpg

Railway branch

Used for a way tagged with railway=* to specify the name of a branch. See also ref=* and name=*, which are more commonly used for this purpose, and the similar tag line=* which is also controversial.

As of 2020, this key is used on many railway=* ways to indicate branch line names. These may be cases where name=* needs to be moved to operator=*, and branch=* needs to be moved to name=*. It may also be more appropriate to create a route relation with route=railway to map the branch or line. (See OpenRailwayMap/Tagging for more information.)


Tags Photo
name=Кругобайкальская железная дорога


name:en=Circum-Baikal railway

operator=ОАО "РЖД"



Hutterite Colonies

Hutterite Colonies consist primarily of four branches that branched out from each other in the 1800s.





This key is the used as branch=* (one of the four above branches) together with community=hutterite.