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wrong name

  • I wonder if there exists any minimal speed by law. In Germany it does not exists, only the vehicle has to be constructed to reach a certain speed on a flat road, but even on the "Autobahn" (motorway) you are allowed to drive slower than 60 km/h. I would suggest to either change the definition or the name. Sorry, was too fast. --Skyper 10:29, 11 June 2010 (UTC)
It does not exist generally on the "Autobahn" but a "minspeed" does exist in Germany and is expressed with Z.275 according to StVO (German citation from the law: "Ge- oder Verbot, Fahrzeugführer dürfen nicht langsamer als mit der angegebenen Mindestgeschwindigkeit fahren, sofern nicht Straßen-, Verkehrs-, Sicht- oder Wetterverhältnisse dazu verpflichten. Es verbietet, mit Fahrzeugen, die nicht so schnell fahren können oder dürfen, einen so gekennzeichneten Fahrstreifen zu benutzen.") -- Dieterdreist 11:09, 17 February 2011 (UTC)

Alleged double meaning

The longstanding definition states that minspeed has 2 meanings: a minimum speed you may not drive slower if it is possible to drive at least at this speed and secondly, the minimum speed a vehicle has to be able to drive, regardless whether it will drive that slow or not (otherwise it would be case 1 anyway). Now while these definitions are fine to describe the legal situation, I wonder if case 2 is something that actually is prescribed somewhere on the planet (and not already implied in other tags like highway=motorway. Can anybody give an example? Would there be support to retag the second case to something distinguishable and use the minspeed key only for actual minimum speeds? --Dieterdreist (talk) 07:02, 18 September 2018 (UTC)

Polish autostradas (highway:class:pl=A) only allow vehicles that can attain 40 km/h or more, as part of the legal definition of autostrada.
Prawo o ruchu drogowym, art. 2 pkt 3: "... przeznaczoną tylko do ruchu pojazdów samochodowych, z wyłączeniem czterokołowca, które na równej, poziomej jezdni mogą rozwinąć prędkość wynoszącą co najmniej 40 km/h, w tym również w razie ciągnięcia przyczep" - rough translation "for use only for automobiles, excluding ATVs, which can reach at least 40 km/h also when towing a trailer on a level road". Point 33 of art. 2 defines automobile: "pojazd samochodowy - pojazd silnikowy, którego konstrukcja umożliwia jazdę z prędkością przekraczającą 25 km/h; określenie to nie obejmuje ciągnika rolniczego" - "engined vehicle constructed to allow driving at a speed exceeding 25 km/h; this term does not include agricultural tractors". Point 32 defines "pojazd silnikowy" as "pojazd wyposażony w silnik, z wyjątkiem motoroweru, pojazdu szynowego, roweru, wózka rowerowego, hulajnogi elektrycznej, urządzenia transportu osobistego i wózka inwalidzkiego" so it excludes mopeds, rail vehicles, bicycles, electric kick scooters, "personal transport devices" lacking seat and pedals, and wheelchairs.
Though I don't know if there are many licensed automobiles that cannot reach 40 km/h. And whether you would consider minspeed=40 to be implied by highway:class:pl=A so not needing separate tagging, and whether any data consumer does so, I do not know. (Note that if a vote currently in progress passes, highway=motorway in Poland will also include highway:class:pl=S which do not have a legislated minimum attainable speed.)
In practice minspeed is not currently tagged on the autostradas, and many uses of this tag in Poland appear to be typos where maxspeed was meant. --Jarek Piórkowski (talk) 04:49, 11 November 2024 (UTC)