Should a new operator:type=coop be added, as the co-operative is an established type between public and private and not informal either?
commercial for company
To specify a company as operator:type there is only "private", but "private" is not specific enough. Should add "commercial" ?
- What does "commercial" mean then? Anyway, this follows ownership=*, and both keys are de facto / in use only. *:type=* in operator:type=* is not really specific enough either. -- Kovposch (talk) 15:19, 6 May 2020 (UTC)
Intergovernment Organization
I'm trying to mark a refugee_site=* and I'm not sure how I should tag the operator:type=* for an intergovernment organization such as IOM. My hunch says it should be a consortium, but I'd like someone to validate this. Thanks. -- Eternaltyro (talk) 05:14, 19 October 2020 (UTC)
The value "private_non_profit" is used nearly as much as "ngo" (2018 vs 2807) and is not currently listed on the page. It's not obvious to me what the difference is. Are these tags synonymous? There is also a "private_for_profit" value (1102) which seems to be the same as "private". Should a tagging mistakes section be added with the "private_*" values? Tguen (talk) 09:44, 25 January 2021 (UTC)
Dataitem property
Isn't this redundant to tag many objects with this property in combination with operator=* instead of adding a property to every operator's DataItem (or refer to wikidata)?
At least I think operator=* and operator:type=* should be incompatible as to enable to tag the nature of operator when its exact name remains unknown. Fanfouer (talk) 04:57, 4 October 2021 (UTC)
- data users and mapper may prefer to not use Wikidata. And "operator=* and operator:type=* should be incompatible" assumes that there is always Wikidata entry for operator what is untrue. Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 13:36, 4 October 2021 (UTC)
- Consumers certainly like up to date and maintainable data. Mappers could get help with editors that transparently solve DataItems linkage. Combining operator=* and operator:type=* violates 3rd normal law on a large amount of objects, which reduce a lot data maintenance ability (I update the operator, what encourages me to update operator:type=* as well?) Fanfouer (talk) 10:58, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
How to tag an operator that is a religious association? Is it private or is it religious? Discostu36 (talk) 09:50, 3 November 2022 (UTC)
Mixed properties
Unfortunately, the listed and used operator:type=*s are mixed in the sense that part of them refer to the maintainer (state, local government, church, private, etc.) another part refers to the form of the operator (government office, foundation, university, company, etc.). Would it be possible to merge the two? Just imagine a school that may be operated by either a 1. state university, 2. a religious university, 3. a private university, 4. or a university financed by a non-profit trustee foundation. How would you tag it? And the same applies to the various forms of non-profits, foundations, trustees. ITineris (talk)
- *:type=* is a recipe for disaster, causing these mixtures. There is also a 3 aspect for 5k operator:type=private_non_profit vs 1k operator:type=private_for_profit (also NPO seems less common in English than NGO) . Apparently operator:type=business is at 11k.
Besides operator:type=university , operator:type=school is at 2k. Then there is 3k presumably UK originated operator:type=council (difference with local government or public???) used unknowingly around the world.
This can be compared, and coordinated with ownership=* . The level of government ownership=municipal (difference with ownership=city ?) , ownership=state (what about state and province level municipalities?), and ownership=national are more numerous than ownership=government . Another spelling and pattern emerge with ownership=private_nonprofit and ownership=public_nonprofit .
Semi-off-topic, I find the naming and lifecycle of operator=* ( and network=* ) worse, for operator:short=* et al. Does operator:official=* has anything to do with "officials", or the official organization? operator:old=* is a conflict with *:old=* Mochi theCentral Kilimanjaro language ; while old_operator=* for was:operator=* is confusing against the format of old_name=* .
On a side note, apparently there is operator:MNC=* for the ITU Mobile Network Code of cell-network service providers. It's not about multinational companies.
—— Kovposch (talk) 11:13, 6 October 2023 (UTC)
What is required in order to be considered an "organisation" by OpenStreetMappers, formal constitution according to the local legal situation, or is being "organized" sufficient (self-declared)? --Dieterdreist (talk) 11:29, 11 October 2023 (UTC)