Talk:Map-py Wednesday Talk Show Proposal
Additional name proposals
I'm thinking of names like:
- Bamboo Compass
- Tea Time by the Bamboo Grove
- Talk Asia (inspired from the mailing list name, described as "OpenStreetMap across Asia")
And then I realized that though many folks associate bamboo with "Asia", it's actually more Oriental, and less associated with the broader "Asian" term, encompassing a much larger region. --GOwin (talk) 01:41, 18 January 2025 (UTC)
Asia in the OSM Community Forums
I just found out that Asia doesn't have any official presence in our Community Forum, so where are further discussions happening outside of the more casual OpenStreetMap@Asia Telegram channel ? I may suppose it's going on in country-level, or sub-regional groups.
Should be noted, we also have a (rarely used) mailing list, talk-asia, (which often gets a lot of spam, behind the scenes) and should probably archived in favor of an Asian community forum
Is this something we ought to "fix", or are our community needs met at the present time? If so, we will need volunteers who has the the extra cycles. --GOwin (talk) 01:41, 18 January 2025 (UTC)