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TeachOSM is a project to promote the use of OpenStreetMap in educational settings to teach the fundamental concepts of geography and applied mapping based on the OpenStreetMap platform. TeachOSM is a project of OpenStreetMap US.

TeachOSM aims to do three things:

  1. Act as a technology hub for teachers and educators. Develop the OSM Classroom suite of tools: the TeachOSM sandbox, OSMCha for teachers, and integration of OSMTeams into these applications.
  2. Facilitate workshops and trainings for teachers and students.
  3. Bring OpenStreetMap and open mapping expertise to our partners.

Like all OpenStreetMap projects, we thrive on the contributions of the community. We welcome your expertise and participation in educational projects and offer our resources to benefit your open mapping projects.

Visit the TeachOSM website for our projects. For immersive lessons, see the TeachOSM learning management portal on Edunext.

Partners and allies

See also