Template:Az:Map Features:military

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Военные объекты (Military)

Смотри также landuse=military.

Key Value Element Təsvir İşarə Foto
military airfield node area Военные аэродромы
Dscf1158 600.jpg
military ammunition node area Military ammunition storage area.
military barracks node area Казармы.
Oulu barracks Jul-Aug2008 001.jpg
military bunker node area Укрепления: бункеры, огневые точки, блиндажи. Также исторические
Dülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Munitionslager Visbeck, Bunker -- 2019 -- 6428.jpg
military checkpoint node Place of a possible access to a restricted or secured area, where civilian visitors and vehicles will be controled by a military authority.
Checkpoint Charlie
military danger_area node area Полигоны, опасные зоны, в которых запрещено находиться гражданским Area=military=danger area.png
Edge of the Danger Area - geograph.org.uk - 1298659.jpg
military launchpad node way Launchpads used for military purposes, see tag:aeroway=launchpad for civilian use
V2 rocket.JPG
military naval_base node area Военно-морские базы
Kidd class vs Spruance class.jpg
military nuclear_explosion_site node area Nuclear weapons test site
Nuclear artillery test.jpg
military obstacle_course way area A military obstacle course.
US Navy 020423-N-6237W-001 SWAT team training.jpg
military office node area Military offices, e.g. general staff office, military recruitment office etc
Army Careers Oxford 20051022.jpg
military range node area Стрельбища, стрелковые, бомбометательные полигоны
Bundeswehr shooting M16.jpg
military training_area area An area where soldiers train and weapons or other military technology are experimented with or are tested.
Truppenuebungsplatz Warnschild.jpg
military trench node way Trenches used for military purposes
Lancashire Fusiliers trench Beaumont Hamel 1916.jpg
military Определяется пользователем node area На странице Taginfo есть еще частоупотребляемые теги.

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