Template:Da:Map Features:place

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Anvendes hovedsageligt til beskrivelse af beboede steder.

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Administrative inddelinger

place country node Land. Se også boundary=administrative og admin_level=*
1-12 Political Color Map World.png
place state node area Delstat, anvendes ikke i Danmark.
Mapa Mexico 2010.PNG
place region node area Region. Se boundary=administrative og admin_level=*
place province node area Provins, anvendes ikke i Danmark.
place district node area Distrikt, anvendes ikke i Danmark.
place subdistrict node area See boundary=administrative, admin_level=* varies; may not be used in all countries.
place county node area Kommune. Se boundary=administrative og admin_level=*
Iran Counties.svg
place municipality node area Mindre kommune, anvendes ikke i Danmark.
Map of all City Municipalities in Slovenia.svg


place city node area Storby over 100.000 indbyggere.
place borough node area Borough, administrativ enhed af flere suburbs. Anvendes ikke i Danmark.
Distritos Málaga.svg
place suburb node area Forstad, større bydel. For eksempel mindre by opslugt af en storby eller en større navngivet bydel såsom Vesterbro i København.
place quarter node area Kvarter (større). Tagget er hidtil ikke anvendt i Danmark.
Place quarter.png
place neighbourhood node area Nabolag, mindre kvarter. For eksempel Skansekvarteret i Nørre Sundby.
place city_block node area A named city block that is part of a place=city. See City_block
City block.PNG
place plot node area A named plot is a tract or parcel of land owned or meant to be owned by some owner.
Lot map.PNG


place town node area Større By mellem 10.000 og 100.000 indbyggere.
Bastrop Texas1.jpg
place village node area Større Landsby, mindre By, indbyggertal mindre end 10.000.
Hryniv, Pustomyty Raion (01).jpg
place hamlet node area Lille Landsby, samling af huse, ikke stor nok til at være en by.
Waldkirch Oberwil.jpg
place isolated_dwelling node area Meget lille bebyggelse bestående af højst 3 boliger, for eksempel hørende til en større gård.
An Isolated Dwelling - geograph.org.uk - 497860.jpg
place farm node area A farm that has its own name. If the farm is not a part of bigger settlement use place=isolated_dwelling. See also landuse=farmyard
St. Martin im Kofel Bauernhof.jpg
place allotments node area Dacha or cottage settlement, which is located outside other inhabited locality. This value is used mainly in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, where a lot of such unofficial settlements exist


place continent node area Kontinent, en af kontinenterne: Asien, Afrika, Nord Amerika, Syd Amerika, Antarktis, Europa, Australien (fra største i størrelse til den mindste)
Continents vide couleurs blue.png
place archipelago relation Øgruppe. Dette er altid en relation.
place island area Ø (større end ca 1 km2).
place islet node area Holm, lille ø (mindre end 1 km2).
L'Île au Dgèrdain Saint Brélade Jèrri 2004.jpg
place square node area For a [W] square in a town (English: square, French: place, German: Platz, Italian: piazza, Spanish: plaza, Russian: площадь).
Milano galleria piazza duomo.jpg
place locality node area Lokalitet, et navngivet sted, ikke nødvendigvis beboet.
place polder node area A polder.
place sea node area A part of an ocean.
Envisat image over the Red Sea ESA209860.jpg
place ocean node area The world's five main major oceanic divisions.
Indian Ocean Tracetrack Topo.png
place brugerdefineret node area Se Taginfo[1] for andre ofte anvendte værdier


population Number node area Indbyggertal
World population density map.PNG
is_in Text node way area Optional. Rudimentary way to describe boundary hierarchies, e.g. place=suburb, name=Eccleshall, is_in=Sheffield,South Yorkshire,England,UK. When boundary polygons exist, this is seldom needed. Unless categorization is wrongly done by e.g. Nominatim.

This section is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. Den danske oversættelse kan redigeres her.