Template:Da:Map Features:tourism

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Turisme (tourism)

This is used to map places and things of specific interest to tourists. For example these may be places to see, places to stay and things and places providing support.

Værdi Element Kommentar Rendering Foto
alpine_hut node area An [W] alpine hut or a mountain hut is a remote building positioned in the mountains designed to provided lodging accommodation for mountaineers, climbers and hikers. The access is usually restricted to foot, mountain bike or ski. Typically, these are operated by an Alpine Club or a similar organisation.
Ascher Hütte a.jpg
apartment node area A holiday or vacation apartment is a furnished apartment or flat with cooking and bathroom facilities that can be rented for holiday vacations. This tag can be applied to a building accommodating one or more holiday flats.
PAJASA Service Apartment Mumbai.jpg
aquarium node area A [W] public aquarium is the aquatic counterpart of a zoo with living aquatic animals for public viewing.
Georgia Aquarium - Ocean Voyager Tunnel Jan 2006.jpg
artwork node way area Kunstværk, især udendørs, f.eks. skulptur på plads eller i park.
attraction node area Turist attraktion generelt, dette tag anvendes ofte som supplement til andre tags (som historic =*).
Paris 06 Eiffelturm 4828.jpg
camp_pitch node area A camp pitch is a free space used to place a tent or a caravan within a tourism=camp_site or tourism=caravan_site area.
Grand Canyon National Park Mather Campground 4635 (35305437542).jpg
camp_site node area Lejrplads, teltcamping, et sted hvor man kan slå et telt op.
2009-07-26 Ekeberg Camping.JPG
caravan_site node area Campingplads
Caravan Site, Stonehaven - geograph.org.uk - 156173.jpg
chalet node area Udlejningshytte, feriebolig
Chalets - geograph.org.uk - 37944.jpg
gallery node area An [W] art gallery or art museum is a building or a room that displays a variety of exhibitions of visual art, such as paintings, sculptures or photography. This is not to be confused with tourism=museum.
Malba Buenos Aires.jpg
guest_house node area Pensionat, bed & breakfast
Tourism guest house.svg
The Crossroads Country Guest House - geograph.org.uk - 88520.jpg
hostel node area Vandrehjem
Dorm Room 1.jpg
hotel node area Hotel
Hcom 1097758 7 b.jpg
information node area Turistinformation, f.eks. turistkontor eller informationstavle. Kan suppleres med information=*.
Fleetwood tourist information centre - DSC06596.JPG
motel node area Motel
Bjerka Motel B.JPG
museum node area Museum
picnic_site node area Picnic-plads, ofte med borde og bænke.
Picnic site 4656.jpg
theme_park node area Forlystelsespark
Rendering-theme park.png
Theme park.jpg
trail_riding_station node area A trail riding station offers temporary accommodation for guest horses and usually also for riders.
Willow Prairie Horse Camp, Rogue River NF, Oregon.jpg
viewpoint node Udsigtspunkt, et sted, ofte højt beliggende, med en god udsigt over det omkringliggende landskab, bemærkelsesværdige bygninger eller naturskønne område.
Viewpoint on Dinas Oleu - geograph.org.uk - 185767.jpg
wilderness_hut node area A [W] wilderness hut or backcountry hut is a remote building, with generally a fireplace, intended to provide temporary shelter and sleeping accommodation. See also [W] Bothy
Wilderness hut.svg
Alpe scaredi.jpg
zoo node area Zoologisk have eller dyrepark.
Area tourism=zoo.png
A miss. berlin 1.JPG
yes node area Kan tilføjes et objekt tagget som noget andet for at angive, det har en turistmæssig interesse.
brugerdefineret node area Se Taginfo[1] for andre ofte anvendte værdier

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