Server info
The tiles@home website's source code is in subversion: sites/other/tilesAtHome_tahngo with documentation on what each file does.
See also the Server install guide
- How tiles are stored in the filesystem
- Design of the meta-information database
- Filesystem is Reiser 3.6 with 512 byte blocks (chosen to handle large numbers of small files)
Changes being made to server
See Tiles@home/Server for an events log, planned changes, and work in progress
- Put link to http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~ojw/Log/Requests/test.php?x=XXXX&y=YYYY on the main queue page http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~ojw/Log/Requests/Recent/ for keeping track of one rquest by then reloading that page occassionaly.
Not always follow priority
The current priority works when there are few pending requests. When the cue is long, its tempting to submit bulk requests as priority 1. You can see that this is quite common. To not penalize the people that requests priority 2, a fraction of the request the priority should be ignored. In other words, just get the request based on date.
$SQL .= "order by `priority`,`date` limit 1;";
if ( rand(0,4) ) { // if !0 - Get oldest request $SQL .= "order by `date` limit 1;"; } else { // if 0, get by priority, then by date $SQL .= "order by `priority`,`date` limit 1;"; }
The code above, ignores the priority in 1/5 of the requests. 4/5 of the requests will order by priority first.
I would like to see 1/2 to priority and 1/2 non-priority. 50% should be sufficient for user-requested refresh.
--Mikemenk 22:00, 10 September 2007 (BST)