
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
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|-- APIs ........................... APIs for specific applications
|   `-- Maemo ...................... Maemo-mapper, with the reversed zoom scale
|       `-- index.php
|-- Browse ......................... Map browser
|   |-- gfx
|   |   |-- C.png
|   |   |-- E.png
|   |   |-- EW.png
|   |   |-- N.png
|   |   |-- NS.png
|   |   |-- S.png
|   |   |-- W.png
|   |   |-- in.png
|   |   `-- out.png
|   |-- index.php
|   `-- styles.css
|-- Credits  ........................ List of users
|   |-- 900b ........................ Temporary (search for small files)
|   |   `-- index.php
|   |-- ByUser ...................... Show each user's tiles. Use with care since this is resource-hungry.
|   |   `-- index.php
|   `-- index.php ................... List of users
|-- Data ............................ Text copy of certain database tables
|   |-- Users
|   |   `-- ......................... User list is exported to here from the database 
|   `-- Versions
|       `-- versions.txt ............ Text list of all versions allowed to upload
|-- Gfx ............................. Website graphics
|   |-- gradient.png ................ Background
|   `-- tah.png ..................... Logo
|-- Log ............................. Text logfiles
|   |-- Data 
|   |-- Requests
|   |   |-- index.php ............... Database log of requests
|   |   `-- test.php ................ Test whether a tile is already requested
|   `-- index.php
|-- MapOf ........................... Map of an area covering several images
|   `-- index.php
|-- NeedRender ...................... API to request a render
|   `-- index.php
|-- Requests ........................ Download requests (tiles@home clients only)
|   `-- index.php
|-- Stats ........................... Export list of tiles
|   |-- Data
|   |-- index.php
|   `-- update.php .................. Not currently used. Only for use by crontab
|-- Tiles ........................... Serves tile images using mod-rewrite
|   |-- 404.png
|   |-- db.php
|   |-- db_unavail.png
|   |-- details.php ................. Not working
|   |-- exists.php .................. Not working
|   |-- readme.txt
|   |-- tile_error.png
|   `-- tile_maintenance.png
|-- Tools ........................... For updating user lists etc. Only for use by admin
|   |-- CheckPassword
|   |   `-- index.php
|   |-- CheckVersion
|   |   `-- index.php
|   |-- NewUser
|   |   `-- index.php
|   |-- UpdateStats
|   |   `-- index.php
|   |-- exportpasswords.php
|   `-- htpasswd_sample
|-- Upload ......................... For tiles@home clients to upload to
|   |-- index.php .................. Web interface to upload
|   |-- rmtemp.php ................. Deletes any temporary files that got left behind. For use by crontab
|   `-- tile2.php .................. Main upload URL
|-- Versions ....................... Lists versions in use
|   `-- index.php
|-- connect ........................ Database password. Shouldn't be publicly visible
|   |-- connect_sample.php
|   `-- index.htm
|-- index.php ...................... Website frontpage
|-- install.txt
|-- lib ............................ PHP libraries
|   |-- gui.inc .................... not used
|   |-- lib.inc .................... not used
|   |-- log.inc .................... for logging events
|   |-- tilenames.inc .............. for finding tile filenames or URLs
|   |-- users.inc .................. for checking user IDs
|   `-- versions.inc ............... for checking version numbers
`-- styles.css ..................... Website stylesheet