Tshirt competition/Miskellaneous OSM Compass
Improvements? Verbesserungsvorschläge?
This shirt is great! If it is possible please post your original Blender and Gimp files because I would love to wear this shirt when presenting and promoting OpenStreetMap project. User:ValentTurkovic
My concept: In germany the cardinal directions "Nord", "Ost", "Süd", "West" are abbreviated to "N", "O", "S", "W".
On a compass the "N" is often replaced by an arrow, so you've left "O", "S" and "W", the "W" can be seen as a flipped "M", ...
but it looks much better when the "W" is replaced by "M"
My implementation: I've modeled a compass in Blender v2.46
and after applying GIMP's "edge-detection" filter I've got this first draft:
The cool thing is that the arrow points to the web address ;-)