Turkmenistan Geoname Changes
See also Districts in Turkmenistan
Please see Districts in Turkmenistan \ Glossary
Names as of 1992
The point of origin for names of provinces, districts and cities in independent Turkmenistan (i.e., Turkmenistan after 1991) is the appendix to Turkmenistan Supreme Soviet Resolution No. 686-XII of 17 April 1992. As of April 1992 the Russian terms for provinces and municipalities remained in use even in Turkmen-language official documents: oblast for province, raýon for district, gorod for city, posýolok for town. Over time, these Russian-origin loan words were supplanted by purely Turkmen vocabulary: welaýat, etrap, şäher, and şäherçe, respectively. A glossary of English, Russian, and Turkmen equivalents of municipal structures can be found here.[1]
Table 1. Turkmenistan: Provinces, Districts, Cities as of 17 April 1992 | ||
Turkmen transcription | Russian version | Former name |
Областлар (Oblasts) | ||
Дашховуз | Дашховузская | Ташаузская |
Чәрҗев | Чарджевская | Чарджоуская |
Районлар (Districts) | ||
Ашгабат | Ашгабатский | Ашхабадский |
Бәхерден | Бахерденский | Бахарденский |
Гөкдепе | Гёкдепинский | Геок-Тепинский |
Кака | Какинский | Каахкинский |
Сарахс | Серахсский | Серахский |
Эсенгулы | Эсeнгулыйский | Гасан-Кулинский |
Газанҗык | Газанджыкский | Казанджикский |
Гаррыгала | Гаррыгалынский | Кара-Калинский |
Гызыларбат | Гызыларбатский | Кизыл-Арватский |
Гызылетрек | Гызылетрекский | Кизыл-Атрекский |
Векилбазар | Векилбазарский | Векиль-Базарский |
Гушгы | Гушгынский | вновь образованный |
Ёлөтен | Ёлотенский | Иолотанский |
Гарагум | Гарагумский | Каракумский |
Байрамалы | Байрамалыйский | Байрам-Алийский |
Мургап | Мургапский | Мургабский |
Сакарчәге | Сакарчягинский | Сакар-Чагинский |
Тагтабазар | Тагтабазарский | Тахта-Базарский |
Түркменгала | Туркменгалынский | Туркмен-Калинский |
Йыланлы | Йыланлыйский | Ильялинский |
Көнеүргенч | Кёнеургенчский | Куня-Ургенчский |
Тагта | Тагтынский | Тахтинский |
Дашховуз | Дашховузский | Ташаузский |
Дарганата | Дарганатынский | Дарган-Атинский |
Дәнев | Дәневский | Дейнауский |
Гарабекевүл | Гарабекевюлский | Карабекаульский |
Фарап | Фарапский | Фарабский |
Хоҗамбаз | Ходжамбазский | Ходжамбасский |
Чәрҗев | Чарджевский | Чарджоуский |
Чаршаңңы | Чаршангынский | Чаршангинский |
Шәхерлер (Cities) | ||
Ашгабат | Ашгабат | Ашхабад |
Бүзмейин | Бюзмейин | Безмеин |
Газанҗык | Газанджык | Казанджик |
Гызыларбат | Гызыларбат | Кизыл-Арват |
Небитдаг | Небитдаг | Небит-Даг |
Гумдаг | Гумдаг | вновь образованный |
Байрамалы | Байрамалы | Байрам-Али |
Гушгы | Гушгы | Кушка |
Ёлөтен | Ёлотен | Иолотань |
Дашховуз | Дашховуз | Ташауз |
Көнеүргенч | Кёнеургенч | Куня-Ургенч |
Говурдак | Говурдак | Гаурдак |
Чәрҗев | Чарджев | Чарджоу |
Source: Turkmenistan Supreme Soviet Resolution No. 686-XII of 17 April 1992 |
New Alphabet and Transliteration
Beginning in 1999, Turkmenistan began a transition from the Cyrillic alphabet to a modified Latin alphabet for the Turkmen language.
Table 2. Romanization Table for Turkmen Cyrillic Script | |||||
Cyrillic | Latin | Cyrillic | Latin | Cyrillic | Latin |
А а | A a | Җ җ | J j | С с | S s |
Б б | B b | Ж ж | Ž ž | Ш ш | Ş ş |
Ч ч | Ç ç | К к | K k | Т т | T t |
Д д | D d | Л л | L l | У у | U u |
initial Э э
non-initial Е е |
E e | М м | M m | Ү ү | Ü ü |
initial Ё | Ýo ýo | Н н | N n | В в | W w |
Ә ә | Ä ä | Ң ң | Ň ň | Ы ы | Y y |
Ф ф | F f | О о | O o | Й й | Ý ý |
Г г | G g | Ө ө | Ö ö | З з | Z z |
Х х | H h | П п | P p | Я я | Ýa ýa |
И и | I i | Р р | R r |
Applying this orthographic conversion table yields the following Latin spellings of the 1992 Cyrillic spellings:
Table 3. Romanized Geographic Names from Table 1. | |
Welaýatlar (Provinces) | |
Дашховуз | Daşhowuz |
Чәрҗев | Çärjew |
Etraplar (Districts) | |
Ашгабат | Аşgаbat |
Бәхерден | Bäherden |
Гөкдепе | Gökdepe |
Кака | Каka |
Сарахс | Sarahs |
Эсенгулы | Esenguly |
Газанҗык | Gazanjyk |
Гаррыгала | Garrygala |
Гызыларбат | Gyzylarbat |
Гызылетрек | Gyzyletrek |
Векилбазар | Wekilbazar |
Гушгы | Guşgy |
Ёлөтен | Ýolöten |
Гарагум | Garagum |
Байрамалы | Baýramaly |
Мургап | Murgap |
Сакарчәге | Sakarçäge |
Тагтабазар | Tagtabazar |
Түркменгала | Türkmengala |
Йыланлы | Ýylanly |
Көнеүргенч | Köneurgenç |
Тагта | Tagta |
Дашховуз | Daşhowuz |
Дарганата | Darganata |
Дәнев | Dänew |
Гарабекевүл | Garabekewül |
Фарап | Farap |
Хоҗамбаз | Hojambaz |
Чәрҗев | Çärjew |
Чаршаңңы | Çаrşаňňy |
Şäherler (Cities) | |
Ашгабат | Aşgabat |
Бүзмейин | Büzmeýin |
Газанжык | Gazanjyk |
Гызыларбат | Gyzylarbat |
Небитдаг | Nebitdag |
Гумдаг | Gumdag |
Байрамалы | Baýramaly |
Гушгы | Guşgy |
Ёлөтен | Ýolöten |
Дашховуз | Daşhowuz |
Көнеүргенч | Köneurgenç |
Говурдак | Gowurdak |
Чәрҗев | Çärjew |
On 18 May 1992, Parliamentary Resolution 692-XII listed the five provinces of Turkmenistan, as in the first column below. It introduced the term welaýat in lieu of oblast. The second column uses the 1999 transliteration table to convert Cyrillic to Latin spelling. This resolution changed the name of Çärjew oblasty to Lebap welaýaty.
Table 4. Turkmenistan: List of Provinces as of 18 May 1992 | |
Original Turkmen Cyrillic | Romanized Transcription as of 1999 |
Ахал велаяты | Ahal welaýaty |
Балкан велаяты | Balkan welaýaty |
Дашховуз велаяты | Daşhowuz welaýaty |
Лебап велаяты | Lebap welaýaty |
Мары велаяты | Mary welaýaty |
Source: Parliamentary Resolution 692-XII of 18 May 1992 |
Central Government Sole Authority for Geographic Names
On 14 December 1992, the People's Council (Turkmen: Halk Maslahaty) adopted Law No. 783-ХП, “On the Order of Deciding Issues of Administrative-Territorial Structure of Turkmenistan”, and Resolution XM-6. These two statutes established the authority of the central government to name municipal structures, farms, and industrial facilities. They changed the Russian word oblast' (область), rendered in Turkmen Cyrillic as област minus the terminal soft sign, to the Turkmen word welaýat in reference to provinces. The resolution renamed Ashgabat oblasty (Russian: Ашгабатская область, Turkmen Сyrillic: Ашгабат областы) to Ahal welaýaty, and established an authoritative list of etraplar (districts) subordinate to the welaýatlar, as below.
Turkmen text | Russian text | English translation |
Ахал велаятында: Ашгабат, Бабадайхан, Бәхерден, Гөкдепе, Гәверс, Кака, Сарахс, Теҗен этраплары; | в Ахалском велаяте: Ашгабатский, Бабадайханский, Бахерденский, Гёкдепинский, Гяверсский, Какинский, Сарахский, Тедженский; | In Ahal welaýaty: Aşgabat, Babadaýhan, Bäherden, Gökdepe, Gäwers, Kaka, Sarahs, Tejen; |
Балкан велаятында: Газанҗык, Гаррыгала, Гызыларбат, Гызылетрек, Красноводск, Эсенгулы этраплары; | в Балканском велаяте: Газанджыкский, Гаррыгалынский, Гызыларбатский, Гызылетрекский, Красноводский, Эсенгулыйский; | In Balkan welaýaty: Gazanjyk, Garrygala, Gyzylarbat, Gyzyletrek, Krasnowodsk, Esenguly; |
Дашховуз велаятында: Дашховуз, Йыланлы, Калинин, Көнеүргенч, Леннн, Октябрь, Тагта, Тельман этраплары; | в Дашховузском велаяте: Дашховузский, Йыланлыйский, Калининский, Кенеургенчский, Ленинский, Октябрьский, Тагтынский, Тельманский; | In Daşhowuz welaýaty: Daşhowuz, Ýylanly, Kalinin, Köneurgenç, Lenin, Oktýabr, Tagta, Telman; |
Лебап велаятында: Бойныузын, Гарабекевүл, Дарганата, Достлук, Дәнев, Керки, Сакар, Саят, Фарап, Халач, Хоҗамбаз, Чәрҗев, Чаршаңңы этраплары. | в Лебапском велаяте: Бойныузынский, Гарабекевюлский, Дарганатынский, Достлукский, Дяневский, Керкинский, Сакарский, Саятский, Фарапский, Халачский, Ходжамбазский, Чарджевский, Чаршангынский; | In Lebap welaýaty: Boýnyuzyn, Garabekewül, Darganata, Dostluk, Dänew, Kerki, Sakar, Saýat, Farap, Halaç, Hojambaz, Çarjew, Çarşaňňy; |
Мары велаятында: Байрамалы, Векилбазар, Гарагум, Гушгы, Ёлөтен, Мары, Мургап, Парахат, Сакарчәге, Тагтабазар, Түркменгала этраплары. | в Марыйском велаяте: Байрамалыйский, Векилбазарский, Гарагумский, Гушгынский, Ёлотенский, Марыйский, Мургапский, Парахатский, Сакарчягинский, Тагтабазарский, Туркменгалынский; | In Mary welaýaty: Baýramaly, Wekilbazar, Garagum, Guşgy, Ýolöten, Mary, Murgap, Parahat, Sakarçäge, Tagtabazar, Türkmengala; |
Ашгабат шәхеринде: Ленин, Совет, Пролетар этраплары. | в шахере Ашгабат: Ленинский, Советский, Пролетарский. | In the city of Aşgabat: Lenin, Sowet, Proletar |
Subsequent Resolutions and Decrees

The following list of Turkmen legislative acts or executive decrees on geographic names is not necessarily exhaustive; additions are welcome. The original texts of decrees and resolutions found to date in either Russian or Turkmen can be seen here and in other documents with links embedded in the list below. These documents include changes of names of many villages and non-municipal structures (farms, factories, etc.) not listed above.
- 26 June 1992, Resolution No. 729-XII, Kirow etraby and town of Ahal welaýaty are renamed Babadaýhan (Бабадайхан).
- 14 December 1992, Parliamentary Resolution XM-6, the five welaýatlar (provinces) and capital city of Ashgabat are formally established, as are the etraplar (districts) within them, the cities with district status are listed, and types of municipalities are defined.
- 19 January 1993, Resolution No. 794-XII, Parahat etraby of Mary welaýaty is renamed Nyýazow etraby (Ныязов этрабы).
- 8 February 1993, Resolution No. 805-XII, Oktyabr etraby of Daşhowuz welaýaty is renamed Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy etraby (Сапармырат Түркменбашы этрабы).
- 8 February 1993, Resolution No. 806-XII, the town of Täzebazar in Daşhowuz welaýaty is renamed town of Nyýazow (Ныязов посёлогы). The Russian translation of this resolution calls the town "Niyazovsk" (Ниязовск).
- 16 February 1993, Presidential Decree No. 1177, Kalinin etraby (Калининский этрап) in Dashoguz welaýaty is renamed Boldumsaz etraby.
- 16 February 1993, Presidential Decree No. 1178, Lenin etraby (Ленинский этрап) of Dashoguz welaýat is renamed Akdepe etraby.
- 16 February 1993, Presidential Decree No. 1179, Telman etraby (Тельманский этрап) of Dashoguz welaýaty is renamed Gubadag etraby.
- 9 March 1993, Resolution No. 821-XII, inter alia the town and district (etrap) of Janga in Balkan welaýaty are renamed Türkmenbaşy, and Dostluk etraby and the town of Moskovsk in Boýnyuzyn etraby are renamed Saparmyrat Nyýazow and Nyýazow, respectively. In addition, the town of Energetik, subordinate to the city of Mary, is renamed Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy.
- 5 May 1993, Presidential Decree No. 1327, many municipalities across Turkmenistan are renamed: inter alia in Ahal welaýaty, Kalinin in Gäwers etraby to Bagabat, Tejenstroý in Tejen etraby to Gannaly; in Daşoguz welaýaty, Leninsk in Akdepe etraby to Akdepe, Kalinin in Boldumsaz etraby to Boldumsaz, Telman in Gubadag etraby to Gubadag, Oktýabrsk in Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy adyndaky etrap to Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy adyndaky säherçe; in Lebap welaýaty, Golownoýe in Kerki etraby to Başsaka; in Mary welaýaty, Çapaýew adyndaky şäherçe in Ýolöten etraby to S.A. Nyýazow adyndaky şäherçe. In addition, new towns are established: in Ahal welaýaty, town of Arzuw; in Balkan welaýaty, town of Belek; in Lebap welaýaty, towns of Dostluk in Dänew etraby, Zeid in Kerki etraby, Katretdin and Suwçyoba in Saýat etraby, Hojagala in Çärjew etraby based on town of Oktýabrsk; in Mary welaýaty Wekilbazar in Wekilbazar etraby, Peşanaly in Mary etraby, and Parahat in Nyýazow etraby based on the Garagumsowhozstroý village plus the Parahat rail station.This decree also lists all towns and village councils in Turkmenistan as of that date.
- 14 September 1993, Resolution No. 854-XII, Lenin etraby of Ashgabat is renamed Prezident Nyýazow adyndaky etrap ("district named for President Niyazov”).
- 14 September 1993, Presidential Decree No. 1490 (in Russian) (in Turkmen), Sowet etraby (Советский этрап) of Ashgabat city is renamed Azatlyk etraby.
- 14 September 1993, Presidential Decree No. 1491 (in Russian) (in Turkmen), Proletar etraby (Пролетарский этрап) of Ashgabat çity is renamed Köpetdag etraby.
- 8 October 1993, Resolution No. 904-XII, the city of Krasnowodsk (Soviet Russian spelling Красноводск) is renamed Türkmenbaşy.
- 11 June 1997, Resolution No. 220-I, Krasnovodsk Bay (Russian: Красноводский залив) is renamed from Krasnowodsk aýlagy to Türkmenbaşy aýlagy.
- 10 June 1999, Presidential Decree No. PP-2890, Daşhowuz (“stone reservoir”) city and district (etrap) are renamed Daşoguz (“stone” + “Oghuz”).
- 19 July 1999, Presidential Decree No. PP-2918, city of Çärjew is renamed Türkmenabat.
- 29 December 1999, Resolution XM-60, the city and district of Kerki are renamed Atamyrat (in honor of Atamyrat Nyýazow, father of Saparmurat Niyazov).
- 29 December 1999, Resolution XM-61, the city and district (etrap) of Çarşaňňy are renamed Köýtendag.
- 29 December 1999, Resolution XM-62, the city and district (etrap) of Gyzylarbat are renamed Serdar ("leader", in honor of Saparmurat Niyazov).
- 29 December 1999, Resolution XM-63, the city and district (etrap) of Gyzyletrek are renamed Etrek (gyzyl means “red” and is a reference to Communism).
- 29 December 1999, Resolution XM-64, the city of Çeleken is renamed Hazar (“Caspian”).
- 29 December 1999, Resolution XM-65, the city of Nebitdag ("oil mountain") is renamed Balkanabat ("Balkan city").
- 29 December 1999, Resolution XM-66, the city and district (etrap) of Gazanjyk are renamed Bereket (“abundance”).
- 29 December 1999, Resolution XM-67, the city and district (etrap) of Guşgy are renamed Serhetabat ("border city").
- 10 November 2000, Presidential Decree No. 3204, the villages of Pöwrize (aka Firuza) and Wanowskiý are abolished and their territories incorporated as the city of Arçabil, and Çüli is renamed Gökdere.
- 18 February 2001, Resolution XM-69, the following districts and one town are renamed: Çärjew etraby to Serdarabat etraby, Boýnyuzyn etraby to Garaşsyzlyk (“independence”) etraby, Dänew etraby to Galkynyş (“renaissance”) etraby, and the town of Dänew to Galkynyş.
- 9 August 2002, Resolution XM-74, two new districts (etraplar) are established in the city of Türkmenabat: Gahryman Atamyrat Nyýazow etraby and Gahryman Gurbansoltan Eje adyndaky etrap (in honor of the late father and mother of Saparmurad Niyazov, respectively).
- 9 August 2002, Resolution XM-76, town of Gowurdak ("roasted meat") is renamed Magdanly ("with ore").
- 9 August 2002, Resolution XM-77, town of Bekdaş is renamed Garabogaz and is upgraded to city equivalent to a district status.
- 25 September 2002, Presidential Decree PP-3724, district (etrap) of Tagta in Dashoguz welaýaty is renamed Görogly.
- 23 May 2003, Resolution No. 180-II, Saparmyrat Nyýazow adyndaky etrap in Lebap welaýat is renamed Beýik Türkmenbaşy adyndaky etrap ("Turkmenbashy the Great district").
- 23 October 2003, Presidential Decree 6435, the town and district (etrap) of Bäherden are renamed Baharly (“spring-like”).
- 4 June 2004, Presidential Decree No. 4066, Garrygala city and district are renamed Magtymguly city and district.
- 6 September 2004, Resolution 227-II, Ýylanly ("with snake") etraby of Daşoguz welaýaty is renamed Gurbansoltan Eje adyndaky etrap, and the town of Ýylanly is renamed Gurbansoltan Eje.
- 17 March 2007, Resolution 110-III, 27-nji Oktyabr geňeşligi of Mary welaýaty is renamed Altyn asyr ("golden age") geňeşligi and 19-njy Fewral daýhan birleşigi is renamed Altyn asyr daýhan birleşigi.
- 8 April 2009, Resolution No. 33-IV, Law on the Order of Resolving Issues of Administrative-Territorial Structure of Turkmenistan
- 15 August 2009 the government publishes a list of renamed villages as an appendix to Resolution 59-IV. Inter alia, in Ahal welaýat, Abadan geňeşligi (village council of Abadan) in Ahal welaýat is renamed Garadaşaýak, Çüli is renamed Gökdere, Diňli is renamed Gargalaňdiňli. The village of Çemenebit in Mary welaýat has the spelling of its name changed to Çemenabat, Çemenlik becomes Döwletli, Mirnyý (“peaceful”) becomes Parahat (“peace”), and Morgunowka becomes Serhetli.
- 10 May 2010, Resolution No. 111-IV, the town of Jeýhun in Lebap welaýaty becomes Döwletli, and three villages are upgraded to towns plus have their names changed: In Lebap, Täzebaşsaka obasyna to town of Başsaka, Dänew rail station village to town of Bahar, and in Mary province, Täzezähmet obasyna to town of Zähmet. An appendix to this resolution lists renamed villages, towns, cities, and districts.
- 10 May 2010, Resolution No. 112-IV, the Turkmen Mejlis (parliament) publishes a full list of municipalities in Turkmen Latin script, which becomes the new baseline for geographic names in Turkmenistan.
- 26 November 2010, Resolution No. 152-IV, the village of Garlyk is elevated to town status.
- 20 September 2012, Resolution No. 331-IV, the town of Üçajy in Mary welaýaty is renamed Bagtyýarlyk (“happiness”).
- 20 October 2012, Resolution No. 346-IV, the village of Babadurmaz in Ahal welaýat is renamed Berkarar (“steadfast”) and is elevated to town status.
- 24 May 2013, Resolution No. 405-IV, Ashgabat annexes much surrounding territory and absorbs several municipalities, which are abolished, including Abadan, Jülge, Bagyr, Garadaşaýak, Gypjak, Birleşik, Magaryf, Herrikgala, Ýalkym, Gurtly, Hellewler, and Köşi. In Ashgabat, Prezident Nyýazow adyndaky etrap is renamed Bagtyýarlyk etraby, Azatlyk etraby is renamed Berkararlyk etraby. Ruhabat etraby of Ahal welaýat is renamed Derweze etraby, and Owadandepe (“beautiful hill”) geňeşligi is created, with its center in G. Orazow adyndaky oba. Ashgabat gets two new boroughs (etraplar), Abadan and Ruhabat.
- 29 July 2013, Resolution No. 420-IV, the city of Turkmenbashy (Turkmen: Türkmenbaşy) is divided into two boroughs, called Awaza and Kenar. Turkmenbashy city annexes the town of Kenar, which is abolished.
- 19 March 2014, Resolution No. 57-V, the village of Ýandaklyagyz in Ahal welaýaty is renamed Täze Eýýam ("new era").
- 22 July 2014, Resolution No. 99-V, the village of Täze Zaman (“new time”) is created and subordinated initially to Owadandepe geňeşligi.
- 8 November 2014, Resolution No. 156-V, the village of Aba Annaýew is created in Ahal welaýaty (Aba Annaýew was President Berdimuhamedov's great-uncle).
- 3 February 2015, Resolution No. 178-V, Arçabil and Çandybil boroughs (etraplar) are merged, with the new district named Arçabil.
- 4 June 2015, Law on the Order of Assigning Names of State Enterprises, Organizations, Establishments, Geographic and other Objects and Their Renaming.
- 21 July 2015, Resolution No. 225-V, two districts in Turkmenabat are abolished: Gahryman Atamyrat Nyýazow and Gahryman Gurbansoltan Eje (named for the father and mother of Niyazov, respectively).
- 28 April 2016, Resolution No. 397-V, subordination of several villages to village councils is established and listed.
- 19 May 2016, Resolution No. 403-V, the status of several villages is changed. Inter alia in addition, equivalent-to-a-district city of Garabogaz is downgraded to city-in-district (etrap) status, and redundantly the town of Kenar is abolished.
- 27 July 2016, Resolution No. 425-V, among other things several towns are upgraded to cities: Dostluk in Beýik Türkmenbaşy adyndaky etraby, Birata (later Darganata), Farap, Galkynyş (later Dänew), Garabekewül, Halaç, Hojambaz, Köýtendag, Sakar, and Saýat; several villages are upgraded to towns: Astanababa in Kerki etraby, Yslam in Garabekewül etraby, Jeýhun in Garaşsyzlyk etraby (later transferred to Dänew etraby), Çohpetde, Beşir, Çaltut, and Kiştiwan; and the newly upgraded town of Jeýhun is renamed Asuda.
- 28 September 2016, Resolution No. 452-V, the town of Bereketli Zaman in Ahal welaýaty is established.
- 25 November 2017, Resolution No. 679-V, Certain districts (etraplar) are abolished and their territories transferred to other districts: Beýik Türkmenbaşy adyndaky etrap to Döwletli etrap, Garaşsyzlyk etraby to Galkynyş etrap, Garabekewül etraby to Halaç etraby, Sakar etraby to Saýat etraby; in addition, several names of districts and towns are changed, Atamyrat to Kerki, Birata to Darganata, Galkynyş to Dänew, Serdarabat etraby to Çärjew etraby, town of Guşçular to Çärjew, and town of Nyýazow in Dänew etraby to Garaşsyzlyk.
- 5 January 2018, Resolution No. 686-V, inter alia Baharly city and district (etrap) have their old name of Bäherden restored. In addition, Altyn Asyr etraby is abolished and its territory apportioned to other districts, plus Kaka city is downgraded from city-with-district-status to city in a district.
- 5 January 2018, Parliamentary Resolution No. 687-V, Abadan and Ruhabat boroughs of Ashgabat city are abolished. Arçabil etraby is renamed Büzmeýin etraby, and Ashgabat city is defined as containing four boroughs: Bagtyýarlyk (“happiness”), Berkararlyk (“steadfastness”), Büzmeýin, and Köpetdag. The boundaries of the city are expanded to include both Täze Zaman villages, which become neighborhoods of Ashgabat city, Bagtyýarlyk etraby.
- 23 October 2022, the Milli Geňeş (National Council) discusses a series of name changes, mergers of municipalities, and abolition of districts and rural councils, which are published the next day in the Turkmen-language Türkmenistan and Russian-language Neytral'nyy Turkmenistan newspapers.
- 9 November 2022, the Milli Geňeş (National Council) adopts several name changes of cities, towns, and villages; upgrades and downgrades municipalities; merges municipalities; abolishes districts, rural councils, towns, and villages; and publishes the changes in the national press in Russian and Turkmen. Inter alia the city of Serdar is renamed Gyzylarbat, Gurbansoltan Eje is renamed Andalyp, and Nyýazow is renamed Şabat; Kenar Borough of the city of Türkmenbaşy, and the districts of Gubadag, Gurbansoltan eje adyndaky, Farap, Döwletli, Serhetabat, and Oguzhan are abolished.
- 10 December 2022, the Milli Geňeş (National Council) passes a decree creating a new town in Bereket etraby, Balkan welaýaty, to be named Galkynyş, to which the villages of Gulmaç, Gamakly, Isgender, Ok, and Öýleguşluk previously part of Gulmach geňeşligi (abolished) are to be subordinated.
- 20 December 2022, the Milli Geňeş (National Council) passes a decree (Turkmen text, Russian text) assigning the name Arkadag to the new administrative center (capital) of Ahal Province, and assigning it the status of a city equal to a district (etrap). The decree further transfers the seat of government of Ahal Province from Änew to Arkadag, orders the village of Aba Annayew to be annexed by Arkadag and deleted from the list of municipalities, and transfers 2,370 hectares of land from Gokdepe District to the city of Arkadag.
List of Current Names of Municipalities and Their Former Names
Variants of previous names in both cyrillic and latin scripts are provided as found in various documents in order to assist cartographers and other researchers in associating municipalities with materials about them (including Soviet-era materials such as General Staff maps of the Soviet Union and NATO aeronautical charts).
Capital City
paýtagt - capital city - столица | ||
current name | previous names and latinized variants | |
Russian cyrillic script | latin script | |
Aşgabat | Ашхабад, Полторацк, Асхабадъ | Ashkhabad, Poltoratsk, Askhabad |
Cities with District Status
etrap hukukly şäherler / cities equivalent to a district / города с правами этрапа | ||
current name | previous names and latinized variants | |
Russian cyrillic script | latin script | |
Ahal welaýaty | ||
Arkadag şäheri[2] | ||
Balkan welaýaty | ||
Balkanabat şäheri | Небитдаг | Nebitdag |
Türkmenbaşy şäheri | Красноводск, Кызыл-Сув, Шагадам | Krasnowodsk, Krasnovodsk, Gyzyl Suw, Kyzyl Suw, Şagadam |
Daşoguz welaýaty | ||
Daşoguz şäheri | Дашховуз, Ташауз | Daşhowuz, Taşauz, Dashhowuz, Tashauz |
Lebap welaýaty | ||
Türkmenabat şäheri | Чарджев, Чарджоу | Çarjew, Çarjou, Charjew, Chardzhou |
Mary welaýaty | ||
Baýramaly şäheri | Байрамали | Bayram Ali |
Mary şäheri |
Cities Subordinate to a District
etrapdaky şäherler
cities subordinate to a district города в районе | ||||
current name of city | previous names and latinized variants | |||
Ahal welaýaty | district where located | cyrillic script | latin script | |
Altyn asyr şäheri | Tejen etraby | Берекет, совхоз "Теджен", Теҗен совхоз | Bereket, sovkhoz "Tedzhen", sowhoz Tejen | |
Änew şäheri | Ak bugdaý etraby | Аннау | Annau, Anau | |
Babadaýhan şäheri | Babadaýhan etraby | Кировск | Kirovsk, Kirowsk | |
Bäherden şäheri | Bäherden etraby | Бахарли | Baharly | |
Gökdepe şäheri | Gökdepe etraby | Геокдепе | Geokdepe, Goek-Tepe | |
Kaka şäheri | Kaka etraby | Каахка, Гинцберг | Kaakhka, Ginzberg | |
Sarahs şäheri | Sarahs etraby | Серахс | Serakhs | |
Tejen şäheri[3][4] | Tejen etraby | Теджен | Tedzhen | |
Balkan welaýaty | ||||
Bereket şäheri | Bereket etraby | Газанджык, Казанджик | Gazandzhik, Gazanjyk, Kazandzhik, Kazanjik | |
Esenguly şäheri | Esenguly etraby | Гасан-Кули | Gasan-Kuli, Hasan-Kuli, Hasan Kuli | |
Etrek şäheri | Etrek etraby | Гызылетрек, Кизыл-Атрек | Gyzyletrek, Kizyl-Atrek | |
Garabogaz şäheri | Türkmenbaşy etraby | Бекдаш | Bekdaş, Bekdash | |
Gyzylarbat şäheri[3][5][4] | Gyzylarbat etraby[3] | Сердар, Гызыларбат, Кизыл-Арват | Serdar, Gyzylarbat, Kyzyl-Arwat, Kyzyl-Arvat | |
Magtymguly şäheri | Magtymguly etraby | Гаррыгала, Кара-Кала | Garrygala, Kara-Kala | |
Daşoguz welaýaty | ||||
Akdepe şäheri | Akdepe etraby | Ленинск | Leninsk | |
Andalyp şäheri[3][6] | Akdepe etraby[3][7] | Гурбансолтан едже, Йыланлы, Ильялы | Gurbansoltan eje, Yylanly, Ýylanly, Ilyaly | |
Boldumsaz şäheri | Boldumsaz etraby | Калинин | Kalinin | |
Görogly şäheri | Görogly etraby | Тагта | Tagta | |
Gubadag şäheri[3] | Boldumsaz etraby[8] | Тельманск, посёлок имени Тельмана, Таза-Кала, Тезе-Кала | Telmansk, posёlok imeni Tel'mana, Täzä-Gala | |
Köneürgenç şäheri[3][4] | Köneürgenç etraby | Куняургенч | Konyeurgench | |
Şabat şäheri[3][9] | Şabat etraby[3][10] | Ниязовск, Тэзебазар, Тязебазар, Андреевский | Nyýazow şäheri, Tazebazar, Täzebazar, Andreyevskiy | |
Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy adyndaky | Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy adyndaky etrap | Октябрьск | Oktyabrsk, Oktýabrsk | |
Lebap welaýaty | ||||
Dänew şäheri | Dänew etraby | Галкыныш, Дянев, Дейнау | Galkynyş, Deynau, Dyanev | |
Darganata şäheri | Darganata etraby | Бирата, Дарган-Ата | Birata, Dargan-Ata | |
Dostluk şäheri | Köýtendag etraby[3][11] | Достлук, Южный | Yuzhnyy | |
Farap şäheri | Çärjew etraby [3][12] | Фараб | Farab | |
Garabekewül şäheri | Saýat etraby[3][13] | Карабекаул | Karabekaul | |
Gazojak şäheri | Darganata etraby | Газачак, Газ-Ачак | Gazachak, Gaz-Achak, Gazaçak, Gaz-Açak | |
Halaç şäheri | Halaç etraby | Халач | Khalach, Halach | |
Hojambaz şäheri | Hojambaz etraby | Ходжамбас | Khodzhambas, Khodjambaz | |
Kerki şäheri[14] | Kerki etraby | Атамырат | Atamyrat | |
Köýtendag şäheri | Köýtendag etraby | Чаршанга | Çarşaňňy, Charshanga | |
Magdanly şäheri | Köýtendag etraby | Говурдак | Govurdak, Gowurdak | |
Sakar şäheri | Saýat etraby | Сакар | ||
Saýat şäheri | Saýat etraby | Саят | ||
Seýdi şäheri | Dänew etraby | Нефтезаводск | Neftezavodsk, Neftezawodsk | |
Mary welaýaty | ||||
Murgap şäheri | Murgap etraby | Мургаб, Сталино, Московский | Murgab, Murghab, Stalino, Moskovskiy | |
Sakarçäge şäheri | Sakarçäge etraby | Сакар-Чага | Sakar-Chaga | |
Şatlyk şäheri | Шехитли | Şehitli | ||
Serhetabat şäheri | Гушгы, Кушка | Gushgy, Kushka, Guşgy, Kuşka | ||
Türkmengala şäheri | Türkmengala etraby | Туркмен-Кала | Turkmen-Kala | |
Ýolöten şäheri | Ýolöten etraby | Иолотань, Ёлотен | Iolotan, Ioloten |
şäherçeler - towns - посёлки | ||||
current name of town | district to which subordinate | obsolete previous names and latinized variants | ||
locations of towns in red are unknown красный цвет обозначает посёлки, которые отсутствуют на карте gyzyl reňk kartada bolmadyk şäherçeleri görkezýär |
cyrillic script | latin script | ||
Ahal welaýaty | ||||
Arçman şäherçesi | Bäherden etraby | колхоз Арчман | kolkhoz Archman, kolhoz Arçman | |
Tejen etraby | Кировск | Kirovsk, Kirowsk | ||
Ak bugdaý etraby | Калининский | Kalininskiy, Kalininskiý | ||
Bagtyýarlyk şäherçesi | Tejen etraby | unknown | ||
Bereketli zaman şäherçesi | Ak bugdaý etraby | new construction | new construction | |
Berkarar şäherçesi | Ak bugdaý etraby | Бабадурмаз | Babadurmaz | |
Bokurdak şäherçesi | Ak bugdaý etraby | Бахардок | Bakhardok | |
Duşak şäherçesi | Kaka etraby | Душак | ||
Gaňňaly şäherçesi | Sarahs etraby | Тедженстрой, Теҗенстрой | Tedzhenstroy, Tejenstroý | |
Kaka etraby | Каахка | Kaakhka | ||
Sarahs etraby | Серахс | Serakhs | ||
Ýaşlyk şäherçesi | Ak bugdaý etraby | ж/д разъезд Яшлык | Ýaslyk bekedi, Yashlyk | |
Yzgant şäherçesi | Gökdepe etraby | Ызгант | ||
Balkan welaýaty | ||||
Akdaş şäherçesi | Türkmenbaşy etraby | Акдаш | ||
Belek şäherçesi | Türkmenbaşy etraby | Белек | ||
Ekerem şäherçesi | Esenguly etraby | Окарем | Okarem | |
Esenguly etraby | Гасан-Кули | Gasan-Kuli | ||
Etrek etraby | Гызылетрек, Кизыл-Атрек, Кызыл-Этрек | Gyzyletrek, Kyzyl-Atrek | ||
Galkynyş şäherçesi[22] | Bereket etraby | none | none | |
Garadepe şäherçesi | Esenguly etraby | Карадепе | Karadepe | |
Hazar şäheri | Карагель | Karagel | ||
Gumdag şäherçesi[3][24] | Balkanabat şäheri | Кум-Даг | Kum-Dag | |
Guwlymaýak şäherçesi | Türkmenbaşy etraby | Куули-Маяк | Kulli-Mayak | |
Gyzylgaýa şäherçesi | Türkmenbaşy etraby | Кызыл-Кая | Kyzyl-Kaya | |
Gyzylsuw şäherçesi | Türkmenbaşy etraby | Кизыл-Су | Kizyl-Su | |
Hazar şäherçesi[3][24] | Balkanabat şäheri | Челекен | Çeleken, Cheleken | |
Janahyr şäherçesi | Serdar etraby | Джанахыр, Җанахыр | ||
Jebel şäherçesi | Balkanabat şäheri | Джебел, Җебел | Dzhebel | |
Magtymguly etraby | Гаррыгала, Кара-Кала, Каракалинск | Garrygala, Kara-Kala, Karakalinsk | ||
Oglanly şäherçesi | Balkanabat şäheri | Огланлы | ||
Türkmenbaşy şäherçesi | Türkmenbaşy etraby | Джанга, Җаңңа | Dzhanga, Janga | |
Uzboý şäherçesi | Balkanabat şäheri | имени 26-ти Бакинских комиссаров | imeni 26-ti Bakinskikh komissarov | |
Daşoguz welaýaty | ||||
Orazgeldi Ärsaryýew adyndaky şäherçe [3][26] | Akdepe etraby | Атаяп | Ataýap | |
Bereket şäherçesi[3][26] | Köneurgenç etraby | |||
Gökçäge şäherçesi[3][26] | Boldumsaz etraby | |||
Rejepguly Ataýew adyndaky şäherçe [3][26] | Akdepe etraby | Пякизе | Päkize | |
Ruhubelent şäherçesi | Ruhubelent etraby | |||
Sadylla Rozmetow adyndaky şäherçesi[3][26] | S.A. Nyýazow adyndaky etrap | село Гулустан | Gülüstan obasy | |
Lebap welaýaty | ||||
Amyderýa şäherçesi | Köýtendag etraby[3][27] | Аму-Дарья | Amu-Darya | |
Astanababa şäherçesi | Kerki etraby | Астанабаба | ||
Asuda şäherçesi[28] | Dänew etraby | Джейхун, Җейхун, Фараб-Пристань | Jeýhun, Dzheyhun, Farab-Pristan | |
Bahar şäherçesi | Dänew etraby | ж/д станция Дянев, Дәнев нокады | Danew rail station | |
Başsaka şäherçesi | Kerki etraby | Тязебашсака, Тәзебашсака, Гунешоба, Головное | Tazebashsaka, Guneshoba, Golovnoye | |
Beşir şäherçesi | Hojambaz etraby | Бешир | ||
Çaltut şäherçesi | Saýat etraby | Чалтут | ||
Çärjew şäherçesi[29] | Çärjew etraby | Гушчулар, Птицесовхоз | Gushchular, Guşçular, Ptisesowhoz, Ptitsesovkhoz | |
Çohpetde şäherçesi | Halaç etraby | Чохпетде | Chokhpetde | |
Döwletli şäherçesi | Köýtendag etraby[3][30] | Джейхун, Җейхун | Jeýhun, Dzheyhun | |
Garamätnyýaz şäherçesi | Hojambaz etraby | Карамет-Нияз | Karamet-Niyaz | |
Garaşsyzlygyň 15 ýyllygy adyndaky şäherçe | Hojambaz etraby | Зеид | Zeid | |
Garaşsyzlyk şäherçesi[28] | Dänew etraby | Московск, Ниязов | Moskovsk, Moskowsk, Nyýazow, Niyazov | |
Garlyk şäherçesi | Köýtendag etraby | Гарлык, Карлюк | Karlyuk | |
Gurşun magdan käni şäherçesi | Köýtendag etraby | Свинцовый рудник | Svintsovyy rudnik | |
Hojagala şäherçesi[28] | Çärjew etraby | Ходжагала, Хоҗагала, Октябрск | Oktyabrsk, Oktýabrsk | |
Kelif şäherçesi | Köýtendag etraby | Келиф | ||
Kerkiçi şäherçesi | Köýtendag etraby[3][31] | Керкичи | ||
Kiştiwan şäherçesi[32] | Çärjew etraby | Киштиван, Максим Горький | Maksim Gorkiy | |
Mukry şäherçesi | Köýtendag etraby | Мукры | ||
Suwçyoba şäherçesi | Saýat etraby | Сувчиоба | ||
Yslam şäherçesi | Saýat etraby[3][33] | unknown | ||
Lebap şäherçesi[34] | Darganata etraby | |||
Mary welaýaty | ||||
Berkarar şäherçesi | Baýramaly etraby | Чыкаджы, Чыкаҗы | Çygajy | |
Bagtyýarlyk şäherçesi | Baýramaly etraby | Учаджы, Үчаҗы | Ücajy | |
Deňizhan şäherçesi[3][35] | Murgap etraby | Ханховуз | Hanhowuz | |
Döwletli zaman şäherçesi[36] | Sakarçäge etraby[3][37] | new construction | new construction | |
Mekan şäherçesi[38] | Baýramaly etraby | Мекан | ||
Mollanepes adyndaky şäherçe[28] | Wekilbazar etraby | имени Полторацкого | imeni Poltoratskogo | |
Murgap etraby | Мургаб | Murgab, Murghab | ||
Oguzhan şäherçesi[3][40] | Murgap etraby | Гуланлы, Куланлы | Gulanly, Kulanly | |
Parahat şäherçesi[28][3][41] | Sakarçäge etraby | Джоджуклы, Җоҗуклы, Джу-Джу-Клу | Dzhodzhukly, Jojukly, Dzhu-Dzhu-Klu, Altyn Sähra | |
Peşanaly şäherçesi[28] | Mary etraby | Пешанали | ||
Sakarçäge etraby | Сакар-Чага | Sakar-Chaga, Sakar-Çaga | ||
Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy şäherçesi | Mary şäheri | Энергетик | Energetik | |
Tagtabazar şäherçesi | Tagtabazar etraby | Тахта-Базар | Takhta-Bazar, Tahta-Bazar, Panjdeh, Pendi | |
Türkmengala etraby | Туркмен-Кала | Turkmen-Kala | ||
Wekilbazar şäherçesi[28] | Wekilbazar etraby | Векиль-Базар | Vekil-Bazar, Wekil-Bazar | |
Ýagtyýol şäherçesi | Garagum etraby | Ягтыёл | ||
Zähmet şäherçesi | Türkmengala etraby | Тязе Захмет, Тәзе Зәхмет, Новый Захмет | Taze Zahmet, Novyy Zahmet, Täze Zähmet |
- От перемены мест. Села и этрапы в Туркменистане переименовывали по пять раз за 30 лет (From changing places. Villages and districts in Turkmenistan changed names five times apiece over 30 years). 27 October 2022, in Russian. Turkmen.News
- ↑ Many Turkmen governance terms are calques of Arabic or Persian words. For example, welaýat derives from the Arabic ولايَة (wilāyat), meaning state or province; şäher derives from the Persian شهر (šahr), meaning "city, town", and is a cognate of the Turkish şehir. Such loan words were apparently more politically palatable after independence than Russian-origin calques.
- ↑ “Постановление Меджлиса Милли Генгеша Туркменистана об отнесении к категории города нового современного административного центра Ахалского велаята и присвоении ему наименования” (in ru). Электронная газета «Золотой век». 21 December 2022 .
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 Per parliamentary decree of 9 November 2022.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Reduced in status to "city in a district".
- ↑ City and district (etrap) renamed 9 November 2022.
- ↑ City renamed effective 9 November 2022.
- ↑ Gurbansoltan eje adyndaky etrap abolished 9 November 2022.
- ↑ Gubadag etraby abolished 9 November 2022, city transferred to Boldumsaz etraby.
- ↑ Çity renamed 9 November 2022.
- ↑ District (etrap) renamed 9 November 2022.
- ↑ Döwletli etraby abolished 9 November 2022, city assigned to Köýtendag etraby.
- ↑ Farap etraby abolished 9 November 2022, territory assigned to Çärjew etraby.
- ↑ Transferred to Saýat etraby 9 November 2022.
- ↑ Внесены изменения в административно-территориальное деление Лебапского велаята (Amendments to the Administrative-Territorial Division of Lebap Province) 27 November 2017
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no separate attestation of a separate town of Altyn Asyr existing in addition to the city of that name.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no separate attestation of a separate town of Babadayhan existing in addition to the city of that name.
- ↑ Town of Bagabat abolished and deleted from list of municipalities per parliamentary decree 9 November 2022.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no separate attestation of a separate town of Kaka existing in addition to the city of that name.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no separate attestation of a separate town of Sarahs existing in addition to the city of that name.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no separate attestation of a separate town of Esenguly existing in addition to the city of that name.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no separate attestation of a separate town of Etrek existing in addition to the city of that name.
- ↑ “Balkan welaýatynyň Bereket etrabynda döredilen täze ilatly ýere şäherçe derejesini bermek we oňa at dakmak hakynda”. Milli Geňeş. 10 December 2022 .
- ↑ Reduced in status to village on 9 November 2022.
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Reduced in status from city with district status to town on 9 November 2022.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no attestation of a separate town of Magtymguly existing in addition to the city of that name.
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 Upgraded to town status from village 9 November 2022.
- ↑ Döwletli etraby abolished 9 November 2022, town assigned to Köýtendag etraby.
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 Notional location has been noted on the OSM map but needs ground truth to verify.
- ↑ This town is not included in the list Districts in Turkmenistan but its renaming and upgrade to town status are attested in a parliamentary decree of 25 November 2017: Внесены изменения в административно-территориальное деление Лебапского велаята.
- ↑ Döwletli etraby abolished 9 November 2022, town assigned to Köýtendag etraby.
- ↑ Döwletli etraby abolished 9 November 2022, town assigned to Köýtendag etraby.
- ↑ Location of Kiştiwan was established via Soviet military map J-41-20; this location needs to be verified with ground truth.
- ↑ Transferred to Saýat etraby 9 November 2022.
- ↑ Status is unclear. Lebap as a town is mentioned in "Districts in Turkmenistan" but not listed among the towns.
- ↑ Oguzhan etraby abolished 9 November 2022, town transferred to Murgap etraby.
- ↑ Name assigned 1 August 2016 by Parliamentary Resolution No. 429-V to newly constructed model town. Need ground truth to verify this location.
- ↑ Oguzhan etraby abolished 9 November 2022, town transferred to Sakarçäge etraby.
- ↑ Upgraded from village (oba) to town (şäherçe) 1 August 2016 by Parliamentary Resolution № 429-V, which also subordinated to the town of Mekan the villages of Harsaňly and Garaja.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no attestation of a separate town of Murgap existing in addition to the city of that name. Town was upgraded to city 1 August 2016.
- ↑ Oguzhan etraby abolished 9 November 2022, town transferred to Murgap etraby.
- ↑ Oguzhan etraby abolished 9 November 2022, town transferred to Sakarçäge etraby.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no attestation of a separate town of Sakarçäge existing in addition to the city of that name. Town was upgraded to city 1 August 2016.
- ↑ Most likely a clerical error, as there is no attestation of a separate town of Turkmengala existing in addition to the city of that name. Town was upgraded to city 1 August 2016.