uMap/Guide/Draw a line

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Line with 2 segments

This article shows details about creation and modification of a line. A line can have more segments and even geometrically separated parts are possible. A line may be changed completely afterwards, the geometry and administrative properties.

A new line

This is the procedure to draw a new line on the map

  • Step 1: Enter edit mode by Icon-edition.PNG
  • Step 2: Select on the right side Draw a line Icon-line.PNG
  • Step 3: Move the cursor to the first point and click. Continue for subsequents vertices of the line.
  • Step 4: Click once more on the last vertex to indicate that the line is ready.
Properties of a line

This opens the panel to modify the properties of the line.

The other options serve for further line details.

The system shows at the same time with the panel for line properties an extra icon. Underneath the new line icon Icon-line.PNG we see Icon-Line-2.PNG to add a new geometrically separated part. Detail: here

  • Step 6: Save
    Button save-cancel.jpg

Modification of a line

For all modifications on a line: Start Edit with Icon-edition.PNG. Click the line and the left icon of Umap-edit marker active2.jpg Toggle Edit mode.
The system shows the vertices of the line and helper vertices inbetween. The panel to modify the line properties and Icon-Line-2.PNG appear too.

More / Less vertices

Additional vertex
  • Add a vertex to an existing line:
    • Select a helper vertex and drag it to the intended location.
    • The line segment is split and shows on each segment new helper vertices.
    • In this way additional vertices can be created.
Extend the line
  • Extend the line with additional vertices:
    • Select a terminal vertex, and subsequently the right icon of UMap-buttons-DelVertex-Continueline.png Continue line.
    • Click on each each subsequent vertex.
    • Click once more on the last vertex to indicate that the line is ready.
  • Remove a vertex from the line:
    • Select the vertex and the left icon of UMap-buttons-DelVertex-Continueline.png Delete this vertex.

Multi line

Line transformed into a multiline

The line does not have to consist of contiguous line segments.

  • Select icon Icon-Line-2.PNG and add the additional line by clicking all vertices.
  • Click once more on the last vertex to indicate that the line is ready.

A subsequent modification action no longer shows icon Umap-edit marker active2.jpg, but UMap-buttons-Toggle-Del-DelShape-ExtractShape.png instead. The right icons indicate Delete this shape and Extract shape to separate feature

Split line (geometry)

Line split at 1
  • Select the vertex where the line is to be split and subsequently the right icon of UMap-buttons-DelVertex-Splitline.png Split line.

There is apparently no visual effect, but the vertex is transformed into two vertices on the same location.
In the example a split is executed at 1 , followed by a small shift of the vertex to show the effect.

Split line (administrative)

Line transformed into separate features

A part of a multiline can be designated as a new line in order to have its own name, color and other property values.

  • Select a segment of the multiline and subsequently the right icon in UMap-buttons-Toggle-Del-DelShape-ExtractShape.png Extract shape to separate feature.

In the example a segment is selected at 2, with effect that this part is now a separate object.

Move/drag a line

  • Select the line and click edit
  • Then click (not a point) and drag the entire line to a new position

Options by right mouse

Merged multiline
Part of the popup menu after a right mouse click on a vertex of a multiline

A click by the right mouse on a line segment, vertex etc. shows a context sensitive menu.

Action Merge lines becomes available through these menus.
This action adds a connecting segment between multiline parts. This is indicated in the example by the purple segment. Overall effect is that the multiline is transformed into a singular line.

Button save-cancel.jpg


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