University of the Philippines Los Baños

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The University of the Philippines Los Baños is a state university located 64 kilometers southeast of Manila. The postal code for most of the area is 4031.

This page documents mapping conventions and standards used within the University of the Philippines Los Baños and other nearby areas; it may differ from the conventions set by the OpenStreetMap community as a whole and/or by the OpenStreetMap Philippines community.

Academic facilities

  • College of Agriculture (CA)
  • College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
  • College of Development Communication (CDC)
  • College of Economics and Management (CEM)
  • College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)
  • College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR)
  • College of Human Ecology (CHE)
  • College of Public Affairs (CPAf)
  • College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
  • Graduate School (GS)
  • School of Environmental Science and Management (SESaM)
  • UP Rural High School (UPRHS)

Research Facilities

Name of facility Location Status OSM Link External link
International Rice Research Institute Maahas, Los Baños and some portions of Bay Most roads mapped via Bing, landuse to follow
Limnological Research Station Mayondon, Los Baños Buildings complete, nearby structures and facilities to be added soon [1]
National Crop Protection Center Putho-Tuntungin, Los Baños Roads and buildings complete [2]
National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Paciano Rizal, Bay Some buildings added, roads mostly complete [3]
Philippine Rice Research Institute Pili Drive, Batong Malake, Los Baños Roads and buildings complete, landuse adeed [4]
Rural Economic Development and Renewable Energy Center Harold Cuzner Royal Palm Avenue cor. Jose M. Capinpin Street, Batong Malake, Los Baños Building is finished but not yet open to the public
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture Andres P. Aglibut Avenue, Batong Malake, Los Baños Buildings and landuse complete


Name Nearest street Indoor Routing Notes
way CAS Annex 1 Sampaloc cor. Lanzones Streets partial Indoor routing too complicated (different floors, different "layout")
way Humanities Building Between Royal Palm, Sampaloc and Lanzones Streets partial
way CAS Annex 2 Sampaloc Street yes
way College of Human Ecology Royal Palm no
way UPLB College of Development Communication Kanluran yes

Dormitories/Apartments/Places to Stay

Name Location Mapped shortlink
Men's Co-ed Residence Hall Waling-Waling Street yes
Women's Residence Hall Waling-Waling Street yes
ACCI Dormitory Waling-Waling Street yes
ATI-NTC Dormitory Ilang-Ilang Street yes
New Dormitory Ilang-Ilang Street yes
New Forestry Residence Hall Makiling Street yes
Forestry Residence Hall Banuyo Street yes
Makiling Residence Hall Banuyo Street yes

Tags used

Within the UPLB campus

Description Tag(s) Notes
Org tambayan amenity=bench access=private (IMPORTANT NOTE Note: Do not add the names of the occupants of the benches, since such information may compromise the safety and privacy of various organizations and entities that have "less-than friendly" relations with other said groups.)
A college tambayan is used a place where members of various organizations hang out, rest and conduct their activities (per this reference)
Lecture halls amenity=lecture_hall name=* Adding such sites are important, since it can be used by students for routing/navigation/time management purposes.

Within and beyond the UPLB campus

Description Tag(s) Notes
Trees natural=tree (optional: name=*) Trees are trees. Unless they're famous/notorious like the Fertility Tree.
Footpaths highway=footway if paved and accessible only on foot
highway=cycleway if paved and accessible
only on foot, bicycle and motorcycle (unless explicitly forbidden)
highway=path if unpaved and accessible only on foot
highway=track plus the surface tag if unpaved and accessible
on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, and four-wheeled vehicles
(unless explicitly forbidden)
No further explanation needed


Names listed below correspond to the coordinates given in this map (Example: UPLB Oblation is in G6)

Location In reference map In OSM Under a different name Notes
A3 yes yes no site of the former Boston Cafe (One Caldi Place) and Vega Centre are separate buildings, Boston Cafe no longer listed
A4 yes yes no One Silangan Place is mapped as a polygon; Landbank is mapped as a node
A8 yes yes yes The word "Parish" is not in OSM; area mapped as a complex complete with buildings
B15 yes yes no Mapped as node
B16 yes yes no Mapped as 2-3 buildings
B18 - - - See T27
C4 yes yes no Mapped as a polygon with other amenities and footways
C5 yes yes yes Mapped as a building polygon
C8 yes yes yes Mapped as a building polygon
C9 yes yes yes Mapped as a building polygon
D2 yes yes no Name change reflected in OSM as of September 12, 2011, mapped as a building polygon
D3 yes yes yes Mapped as a building polygon with multipolygons and indoor routing
E3 yes yes yes The full name is "Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs", mapped as a building polygon. OVCCA relocated to K3, replaced by Land Grant Management Office and University Housing Office
G6 yes yes no Mapped as a monument
H5 yes yes yes CAS Annex 1 is mapped as a building. The Animal Biology Division of the Institute of Biological Sciences, together with Department of Humanities and Department of Social Sciences are mapped as nodes.
H6 yes yes yes Mapped as a building polygon
I9 yes yes - Not rendered in the standard stylesheet; see
I10 yes yes yes Mapped as a building polygon
L16 yes yes no Mapped as a building polygon
N11 yes yes no Mapped as a building polygon
T27 yes yes no Mapped with landuse, streets and a cluster of buildings

New Naming Scheme

A plan was drawn up to rename most streets and buildings in the UPLB area, which is partially implemented in time for their 94th Loyalty Day celebration. Street signs in some places (Lower Campus, Freedom Park area) have been erected to show the new street names. A list of changesets is maintained below to reflect such changes.

Changeset Affected areas Date of changeset other notes
13439581 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) Lower Campus, Freedom Park, Copeland Heights, Faculty Village October 10, 2012 some nodes have been mistakenly uploaded, they were removed in changeset 13439688
18428413 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) Animal Science/VetMed, Forestry October 19, 2013


For indoor routing

Yes - most/all footways/paths added Partial - portion of footways added No - no indoor routing/entrances only

For the Checklist

  • Mapped means "Mapped in OpenStreetMap"
  • As much as possible, do not copy from the reference map, since it contains some proprietary content.

External links