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I don't give a flying monkey's for tag voting, automatic changebots, endless discussions, categories, or any of that crap, but prefer to get on and actually do stuff.
OSM Logo This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
᚛ᚐᚋᚐᚅᚇᚐ᚜ 🏳️‍🌈.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
Mail-closed.svg Amᵃᵖanda can be contacted by e-mail via this wiki.
Mastodon user Amᵃᵖanda toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon
Anarchy Amᵃᵖanda prefers to actually do stuff.
Public-images-osm logo.svg I support OSM by being a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Are you?
JOSM Amᵃᵖanda submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Android logo 2019 (stacked).svg Amᵃᵖanda uses an Android-based mobile device.
GitHub logo Amᵃᵖanda has an account on GitHub as @amandasaurus.
Discord Logo Amᵃᵖanda uses Discord as @Amanda#2524
Tux.svg Amᵃᵖanda uses a Linux-based computer.
Flag of Ireland.svg This user hails from Ireland.
Flag of Europe.svg This user hails from Europe
Bike Amᵃᵖanda is a biker
Hiker Amᵃᵖanda
is a hiker.
Bike Amᵃᵖanda
is a bicyclist.
No Wikifiddling Amᵃᵖanda
ignores tag voting procedures.
International Womens Day 2016 Logo Amᵃᵖanda Pledges To: Advocate for the participation of more women & girls in the OSM community.

I am going to ignore the endless
rounds of proposals and voting
procedures. Instead, I will use
Taginfo and similar
tools to actually do some
productive mapping.

Public-images-osm logo.svg
I support OSM by being a
member of the
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Do you?

Hi I'm Amanda. I'm originally from Dublin, Ireland, but now living in Karlsruhe, Germany, and working in Geofabrik. I was on the OpenStreetMap Foundation Board of Directors Dec. 2019→Dec. 2022.

I've been keeping an OSM Diary of what I do every month


What I'm working on


I'm helping to map townlands in Ireland, and have created to show off what we've done and debug it.

My Maps

Overpass queries

These are for my personal use, so I can copy/paste them into overpass turbo. This is things I wanna work on.

Irish pubs to map

Any amenity=* with “Irish” in the name=* and without the theme=irish tag.

try it yourself in overpass-turbo
);out meta;>;out meta qt;

LGBTQ+ venues to upgrade

try it yourself in overpass-turbo
);out meta;>;out meta qt;

Rivers with fixme=*

try it yourself in overpass-turbo
  way[waterway=river][fixme](([{{{minlon}}}&minlat={{{minlat}}}&maxlon={{{maxlon}}}&maxlat={{{maxlat}}} bbox={{{minlon}}},{{{minlat}}},{{{maxlon}}},{{{maxlat}}}]));
);out meta;>;out meta qt;

Poorly formatted cuisine=* values

try it yourself in overpass-turbo
);out meta;>;out meta qt;

Add a new query to wiki:

);out meta;>;out meta qt;


As of October 2019 I plan to try to map Irish pubs better. taggging@ discussion, talk-ie@ discussion. Setteling on theme=irish.

Existing data to upgrade:


I have made some OSM based stickers. They are 52x52mm square, and have a glossy finish.


Attribution Fixer Stickers

  • EN
  • SQ