I don't give a flying monkey's for tag voting, automatic changebots, endless discussions, categories, or any of that crap, but prefer to get on and actually do stuff. |
Userboxes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I am going to ignore the endless
rounds of proposals and voting
procedures. Instead, I will use
Taginfo and similar
tools to actually do some
productive mapping.
I support OSM by being a
member of the
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Do you?
Hi I'm Amanda. I'm originally from Dublin, Ireland, but now living in Karlsruhe, Germany, and working in Geofabrik. I was on the OpenStreetMap Foundation Board of Directors Dec. 2019→Dec. 2022.
I've been keeping an OSM Diary of what I do every month
What I'm working on
I'm helping to map townlands in Ireland, and have created to show off what we've done and debug it.
My Maps
- It's possible to tag hackerspaces with leisure=hackerspace. I've made a slippy map showing all the hackerspaces in OSM.
- Irish historical and current administrative boundaries.
Overpass queries
These are for my personal use, so I can copy/paste them into overpass turbo. This is things I wanna work on.
Irish pubs to map
Any amenity=* with “Irish” in the name=* and without the theme=irish tag.
);out meta;>;out meta qt;
LGBTQ+ venues to upgrade
);out meta;>;out meta qt;
Rivers with fixme=*
way[waterway=river][fixme](([{{{minlon}}}&minlat={{{minlat}}}&maxlon={{{maxlon}}}&maxlat={{{maxlat}}} bbox={{{minlon}}},{{{minlat}}},{{{maxlon}}},{{{maxlat}}}]));
);out meta;>;out meta qt;
Poorly formatted cuisine=* values
);out meta;>;out meta qt;
Add a new query to wiki:
{{OverpassTurboExample|query= [bbox:{{((}}bbox{{))}}][out:xml][timeout:30];( QUERY HERE );out meta;>;out meta qt; }}
As of October 2019[update] I plan to try to map Irish pubs better. taggging@ discussion, talk-ie@ discussion. Setteling on theme=irish.
Existing data to upgrade:
- Taginfo for “Irish” in the value to find things to tag.
- name=Irish pub
I have made some OSM based stickers. They are 52x52mm square, and have a glossy finish.
LGBTQ+ Rainbow Pride
Trans Pride
QPoC Pride
Pan Pride
Bi Pride
NB Pride
Genderqueer Pride
Genderfluid Pride
Ace Pride
Agender Pride
Attribution Fixer Stickers
- Anarchists
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- Users in Ireland
- Users in Europe
- Users who map by motorcycle
- Users who map by hiking
- Users who map by bicycle
- Users against tag voting
- Advocates for women and girls in OSM community
- Users in Dublin
- Users in Karlsruhe
- Users in Baden-Württemberg
- Users in Germany