barrier = hedge |
Description |
A hedge is a line of closely spaced shrubs and tree species, which form a barrier or mark the boundary of an area. |
Rendering in OSM Carto |
Group: barriers |
Used on these elements |
Implies |
Useful combination |
See also |
Status: approved |
Tools for this tag |
barrier=hedge è utilizzato per identificare file di arbusti o alberi fittamente spaziati, che formano una barriera o delimitano il confine di un'area. Corrispondono alla definizione anche le siepi che non sono mantenute in buono stato.
Come mappare
Although there is a major difference between a small single-species garden hedge and a massive multi-species field boundary hedge, they are currently both mapped as Hedges.
Create a line along the length of the hedge. Where a hedge joins another hedge use a shared node. If there are substantial gaps in the hedge then end that line, leave a gap and create a new way for the next section.
Mark a gate of stile in the hedge by creating a node on the way at the appropriate location and tagging it with barrier=gate or barrier=stile or similar. For a short gap consider using a entrance=* node. Mark lone trees using natural=tree. For a thick hedge draw a closed was a tag around the perimeter of the hedge and it with area=yes.
The width=* and height=* tags can also be used. Some people also tag the hedge with genus=*, species=* or taxon=*.
To map a lines of trees which do not form a barrier use natural=tree_row.
Where hedges hedges meet and an area of woodland has formed, common in the corners of fields, map the line of the hedge, and also map the small area of woodland using natural=wood.
For other types of barriers that are not hedges (including ditches and fences) see barrier=*.
Grandi siedi per delimitare colture e strade
Hedges are most notable at a landscape level when they create field, road, and large property boundaries.
These hedges commonly contain many species, many of which have self seeded within the hedge.
They are commonly only managed to maintain the function as a barrier. Some of these type of hedges have become poorly managed in recent decades with landowners repairing gaps in hedges with barbed wire
They can be centuries old and have legal protection.
Small Hedges and Urban or Garden Hedges
Much smaller formal hedges can also be used in areas such as parks and gardens.
These hedges commonly consist of a single species. Maintenance commonly goes beyond simply maintaining the barrier function, but also includes maintenance for to make the hedge visually appealing.