Australian Mapping Community

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There is large, active, and passionate community of contributors that provide have been improving the map of Australia since the beginning of the OpenStreetMap project.

Throughout the evolution of OSM, there have been many different communication channels, platforms, and forums that have been used by the Australian mapping community to coordinate and make the map better.

New contributors are always welcome! Don't be shy: find your preferred communication channel and jump in!

Social Channels

Local Channels
Name Description Relative Activity
OSM Community Forum Oceania Category The Oceania category for the official Community Forums (Discourse) site Very Active
OSM Australian mailing list One of the oldest, and most historically active communication channel. The list is a great way to find out information and communicate with other working people, and the discussions there have been the historical basis for much of the Australian Tagging Guidelines. The archives can be searched at Active
OpenStreetMap World Discord #oceania There is a growing number of members who are using Discord for real-time discussion and collaboration. Anyone is welcome to join and participate; Discord is a great tool for real-time "how do I tag this" conversations, rather than reaching out to the mailing list anytime there is confusion, as well as containing other conversation. Once joining Discord to see the #oceania channel you must visit the #rules-and-roles channel and under "Choose the flag of your region for your user role." choose the Australian flag, after which you should see the #oceania channel. Very Active
Maptime Oceania Slack. (Matrix bridge) Another real-time communication channel. Once accepted make sure to join your relevant community channel. Active
International Channels
Name Description Relative Activity
#osm IRC (Web client) Not Australian specific, but a good international place to hang out and ask questions. Active
OSM Help forum Good place to get help for general mapping issues Active
/r/openstreetmap Good subreddit for general news/discussion. Active

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Formal Organisations

The Australian OSM community has joined with our regional neighbours to form OSGeo Oceania, which serves as our local chapter of the OSMF Foundation.

Events and Mapping Parties

There is a strong tradition of hosting mapping parties in Australia. For past events, see Australian Mapping Community/Past Events.


5th AprilSocial Mapping Saturday: RossmoyneWestern Australia, Australia

Organised Editing Teams


Over the many years of the Australian OSM project, many pages have been created and then superseded or left unmaintained. These pages have been archived for posterity.