User:German C

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About Me / Acerca de mi

Babel user information
es-N Esta persona tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
Users by language

System-users-3.svgGerman C (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)

This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
German C.
Flag of Colombia.svg This user hails from Colombia.
Pole multi attachement.png German C is interested in micromapping.
Overpass-turbo.svg German C uses Overpass turbo, an OSM database search tool, and is willing to advise on it
iD German C submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
Vespucci logo German C submits data to OpenStreetMap using Vespucci.
OsmAnd icon German C uses OsmAnd, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
Pear Leaf icon.jpg German C uses Leaflet, a JavaScript library for interactive maps.
Maplibre-logo.png German C uses MapLibre GL JS, a JavaScript library for interactive maps.

Weekly Challenges / Retos Semanales

Choose a town (or little city) near to you or you can visit. Read in Spanish..

Röntgen one-story apartments building with gabled roof.svg Week 1 / Semana Uno

Challenge: Add 4 houses as area area. Read in Spanish..
Validation: Go to or locate your focus area and do zoom, copy and paste the next script, change the name "German C" by your name, change the date 2023-10-31 to your actual date, clic in Run, and it show your solved challenge. Read in Spanish.

Overpass-turbo Overpass-ultra
way[building=house](user:"German C")(newer:"2023-10-31T14:45:59Z")({{bbox}});
out geom;
    - type: fill
      filter: [ ==, [ get, building ], house ]
        fill-color: pink
        fill-outline-color: red
way[building=house](user:"German C")(newer:"2015-10-31T14:45:59Z");
out geom;

Röntgen tree.svg Week 2 / Semana Dos

Challenge: Add 4 tree as node node. Read in Spanish..
Validation: Go to or locate your focus area and do zoom, copy and paste the next script, change the name "German C" by your name, change the date 2019-10-31 to your actual date, clic in Run, and it show your solved challenge. Read in Spanish.

Overpass-turbo Overpass-ultra
node[natural=tree](user:"German C")(newer:"2019-10-31T14:45:59Z")({{bbox}});
out geom;
    - type: symbol
      filter: [ ==, [ get, natural ], tree ]
      icon-image: maki:park
      icon-color: green
      icon-halo-color: darkgreen
      icon-halo-width: 5
node[natural=tree](user:"German C")(newer:"2023-05-31T14:45:59Z");
out geom;

Röntgen one-level transmission pole.svg Week 3 / Semana Tres

Challenge: Add 4 power pole as node node. Read in Spanish..
Validation: Go to or locate your focus area and do zoom, copy and paste the next script, change the name "German C" by your name, change the date 2019-10-31 to your actual date, clic in Run, and it show your solved challenge. Read in Spanish.

Overpass-turbo Overpass-ultra
node[power=pole](user:"German C")(newer:"2024-10-31T14:45:59Z")({{bbox}});
out geom;
    - type: symbol
      filter: [ ==, [ get, power ], pole ]
      icon-image: temaki:power_pole
      icon-color: yellow
      icon-halo-color: brown
      icon-halo-width: 1
node[power=pole](user:"German C")(newer:"2019-05-31T14:45:59Z");
out geom;

Week 4 / Semana Cuatro

Challenge: Add 4 little forest as area area. Read in Spanish..
Validation: Go to or locate your focus area and do zoom, copy and paste the next script, change the name "German C" by your name, change the date 2019-10-31 to your actual date, clic in Run, and it show your solved challenge. Read in Spanish.

Overpass-turbo Overpass-ultra
way[landuse=forest](user:"German C")(newer:"2024-10-31T14:45:59Z")({{bbox}});
out geom;
    - type: fill
      filter: [ ==, [ get, landuse ], forest ]
        fill-color: pink
        fill-outline-color: red

way[landuse=forest](user:"German C")(newer:"2024-10-31T14:45:59Z");
out geom;