User talk:German C
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Hi! 2 small hints: You might use either {{Userboxtop| }} and {{Userboxbottom}} before and after the user boxes to align those on the right border
== About Me / Acerca de mi == {{Userboxtop| }} {{#babel:es|en-3}} {{User|German C}} {{User username|German C}} {{User is from|Colombia}} {{User micromapping}} {{User Overpass}} {{User iD}} {{User Vespucci}} {{User OsmAnd}} {{User Leaflet}} {{User MapLibreGLJS}} {{Userboxbottom}} {{slippymap | lat = 6.013 | lon = -73.671 | zoom = 15 | width = 400 | height = 300 | marker = no}} == Weekly Challenges / Retos Semanales ==
or {{clear}} after the user boxes to start a clear new section.
== About Me / Acerca de mi == {{#babel:es|en-3}} {{User|German C}} {{slippymap | lat = 6.013 | lon = -73.671 | zoom = 15 | width = 400 | height = 300 | marker = no}} {{User username|German C}} {{User is from|Colombia}} {{User micromapping}} {{User Overpass}} {{User iD}} {{User Vespucci}} {{User OsmAnd}} {{User Leaflet}} {{User MapLibreGLJS}} {{clear}} == Weekly Challenges / Retos Semanales ==