User:Jinal Foflia

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My name is Jinal Foflia, I'm from Bangalore. I hold a degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering. During my Engineering, I have worked on conceptualization and designing of applications in fields of women safety, Market Research, Fitness, and was an active participant at hackathons.

I’m an Open Data enthusiast from Bengaluru (prev. Bangalore), India, based in the Netherlands. I’m currently a Program Manager at TomTom, but I do not use this account for any mapping for my employer. It’s a personal account for mapping all things that matter to me.

Previously, I was the Lead Program Manager at Grab and was also the Open Data Community Manager for Mapbox. Questions? Get in touch! Find more about me here.

Jinal Foflia.jpg

I'm an avid contributor to OpenStreetMap, to know more about what I map and how do I contribute to OpenStreetMap read here.

My OSM profile

My OSM diary

Mapper in the Spotlight: Jinal Foflia (India)


Working for TomTom as a Customer Program Manager.


Previously worked for Grab - South East Asia's biggest ride hailing companies as a Lead Program Manager and worked as a Open Data Community Manager at Mapbox.

OSM Logo This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Twitter user@fofliajinal

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Hot logo.svg Jinal Foflia volunteers at Humanitarian OSM Team.
Flag of India.svg This user hails from India
JOSM Jinal Foflia submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
weeklyOSM logo Jinal Foflia is part of the editorial staff of weeklyOSM.