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Public domain
All my contributions to OpenStreetMap are released into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
In case this is not legally possible, I grant anyone the right to use my contributions for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Flag of the United States.svg This user hails from the USA
en This user is a native speaker of English.
JOSM Kechan submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
RapiD Kechan submits data to OpenStreetMap using RapiD.
Go Map!! Kechan submits data to OpenStreetMap using Go Map!!.
Chrome This user prefers Google Chrome.
OSM Bi Logo Kechan identifies as Bisexual
State of the Map 2019 - pronoun badges Kechan uses the pronouns they/them/theirs
Accessibility pictogram Kechan supports efforts to make OpenStreetMap accessible
Yamaha Saxophone YAS-62.tif This user plays the saxophone
Bike Kechan
is a bicyclist.
Hiker Kechan
is a hiker.
Geocaching.svg Kechan maps while geocaching.
Pole multi attachement.png Kechan is interested in micromapping.
...? Kechan appreciates the use of Good changeset comments.
cat silhouette This user…     
    …is not a cat.

I am a mapper from Laramie, Wyoming. It is up to you to decide how good I am at mapping.

Where I edit

I mostly edit in and around Laramie, Wyoming. I also edit in Cheyenne, Fort Collins, Springfield (MO) and the Black Hills. I did use iD, until I found JOSM and now I mainly use that but I also get use out of Go Map!! and Rapid.


I made all the userboxes for musical instruments. I only play one of these (the alto sax). I haven't done much else here other than adding a picture for the Tag:man_made=street_cabinet page.

I am a 1.45 on the OSM Purity Self-Test


With Rapid you can add buildings and roads using AI. I made another account for this.

My Story

I have had an interest in mapping from a very young age. I went to Montessori and instead of schoolwork I would look at a book containing all the flags in the world with maps showing where they were. Within a couple months I had the entire book and all the flags of every country on earth memerized (keep in mind that I am in second grade). For a long time that was that until 2020 when I found out about geocaching.

I was fully engrossed in this activity (and still am to this day) and the background map was in comparitively high detail than other services like Google Maps. I did not think much of it but I did see that in the corner it said "©OpenStreetMap contributors" I clicked on the link and saw a very detailed map and thought "Oh. This is where they get their data from." However, I never caught on to the fact that this map was editable.

A year later, I did a similar thing but this time I finally saw that I too could edit the map. Very quickly I filled in holes I had noticed from the Geocaching map, but for some reason it wasn't updating. From there, it was a complete obsession, that lasted much longer than anything else. However, as I have edited out Laramie and micromapping is all that can be done there, the rate of editing has been slowing down as of late.