User:M!dgard/Overpass queries
Use the steering wheel icon to the right of the code to load it in Overpass turbo at
Map of ways where geometry was changed by a certain user
Caution: in regions where the mapper was very active, run this on limited bboxes only or you'll get a very high amount of data back!
* Note: this does not find ways that have been
* completely changed later (e.g. just moved
* entirely), and also selects ways that are
* drawn or modified to use a mapper's
* pre-existing nodes, even though they didn't
* choose to modify those ways.
// Select nodes last modified by user
// Select parent ways for nodes in the input set
// See
out body; >; out skel qt;
Map of post code areas
You can build a basic map of post codes in Belgium with this query. Postal code areas are complete in Flanders and Brussels.
out body;
out skel qt;
relation { text: postal_code; fill-color: #A8EA8D; fill-opacity: 0.05; color: #000; width: 1; opacity: 1; }
relation:active { color: #50BD23; fill-opacity: 0; width: 3; }
relation:tainted { color: #F00; fill-opacity: 0.5; fill-color: #F00; }
Map of pipelines in Belgium
Make sure to dim the background tiles for better visibility (Settings → Map → Tiles Opacity: 0.6) and check Settings → Map → “Don't display small features as POI” before running the query.
out body; >; out skel qt;
way { color: #555; opacity: 0.8; width: 2; }
way[type], way[substance=natural_gas]
/* incorrect tags: pink */ { color: #ff00bd; }
way[substance=water] { color: #005eff; }
way[substance=gas] { color: #ff5800; }
way[substance=hydrogen] { color: #8a00cf; }
way[substance=oxygen] { color: #00cec6; }
way[substance=nitrogen] { color: #ff0800; }
way[substance=kerosene] { color: #04de6b; }
way[substance=fuel] { color: #277005; }
way[substance=hydrocarbons] { color: #c1de04; }
way[substance=beer] { color: #7d4f0d; }
way:active { opacity: 1; width: 3; }
Significant electrical substations in Belgium
out body; >; out skel qt;
Map of vicinal roads in Belgium
With an emphasis on those that are possibly illegally made private (bright red) or have disappeared (dotted).
/* Make sure to enable “Don't display small features as POIs.”
* in the Overpass Turbo settings before running.
* Greenish: paths (sentier, voetweg, voetpad, pad)
* Reddish: roads (chemin, weg, rijweg, baan)
* Full lines: existing roads
* Dotted lines: no longer existing roads
* Bright red: access prohibited
out body; >; out skel qt;
way { width: 2; opacity: 0.9; }
way[vicinal_type=path] { color: #140; }
way[vicinal_type=road] { color: #944; }
way[vicinal_type=road][access=private] { color: #d00; width: 5; }
way[!highway] { dashes: 1,10; width: 5; }
way:active { width: 5; opacity: 1; }
Map of public bicycle parkings in bbox
Can use some better design, but useful all the same.
out body; >; out skel qt;
node[amenity=bicycle_parking], area[amenity=bicycle_parking] {
icon-image: url('icons/osmic/parking-bicycle-18.png');
icon-width: 18;
Which streets have name:etymology:wikidata=*
/* Choose your area of interest here. */
/* Choose 8 (municipality) or 9 (section) */
out body; >; out skel;
way {
color: orange;
way[name:etymology:wikidata] {
color: blue;
Street names in a municipality
/* Choose your area of interest here. */
/* Choose 8 (municipality) or 9 (section) */
out body; >; out skel;
QA: wrong tagging
These export to XML, ready to load in JOSM.
Friteries with missing tags
// Find objects that have a name mentioning they are a friture, but that do not have friture in their cuisine and amenity=fast_food
// Obviously, be careful when changing restaurants to fast_food: check the website or street imagery to verify that it's really fast_food. If it's really a restaurant, you could add a note=* mentioning the word "restaurant" which will make it disappear from this query. Don't change to fast_food if you can't find any information.
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;
Friteries with redundant cuisine values
These are objects that have cuisine=friture as well as fries or fried_food, which is redundant.
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;
Stuff tagged with tel=* instead of phone=*
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;
Stuff with illegal format for phone=*
nwr[phone][phone!~"^\\+[0-9]{1,3} [0-9 -]+(;\\+[0-9]{1,3} [0-9 -]+)*$"]({{bbox}});
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;
phone=* in Belgium with value that isn't a valid Belgian number
// This query finds all phone numbers in Belgium that are invalid or are incorrectly formatted.
// If they are invalid or not in the international format, they should be investigated and fixed.
// If they are valid, just changing them for the sake of it isn't really useful. Look around and verify data quality instead of focussing on just this one issue. Chances are this isn't the only problem you can solve!
// Formats:
// * By default geographical numbers look like +32 12 34 56 78
// * In some cities, numbers look like +32 9 876 54 32
// * Mobile phone numbers look like +32 498 76 54 32
// * 070 and 078 numbers look like +32 70 123 456
// * 0800 and 090x numbers look like +32 800 12 345
// * 077 numbers exist but this query does not consider them valid, since they are for machine-to-machine communication.
// This query deals with all these cases.
// Source:
// Last update: 2019-09-08 Don't match space-less phones by default
nwr[phone]["seamark:type"!=cable_submarine][phone!~"^\\+32 ?(([239] ?[0-9]{3}|4 ?[0-5][0-9]{2}|(4[5-9][0-9]|1[0-69]|5[0-9]|6[013-57-9]|71|8[0-79]) ?[0-9]{2}) ?[0-9]{2} ?[0-9]{2}|7[08] ?[0-9]{3} ?[0-9]{3}|(800|90[0-9]) ?[0-9]{2} ?[0-9]{3})(; *\\+32 ?(([239] ?[0-9]{3}|4 ?[0-5][0-9]{2}|(4[5-9][0-9]|1[0-69]|5[0-9]|6[013-57-9]|71|8[0-79]) ?[0-9]{2}) ?[0-9]{2} ?[0-9]{2}|7[08] ?[0-9]{3} ?[0-9]{3}|(800|90[0-9]) ?[0-9]{2} ?[0-9]{3}))*$"](area.boundaryarea);
// Stricter variant: also match numbers without spaces that are otherwise valid, like +3270123456
// nwr[phone]["seamark:type"!=cable_submarine][phone!~"^\\+32 (([239] [0-9]{3}|4 [0-5][0-9]{2}|(4[5-9][0-9]|1[0-69]|5[0-9]|6[013-57-9]|71|8[0-79]) [0-9]{2}) [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}|7[08] [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3}|(800|90[0-9]) [0-9]{2} [0-9]{3})(; *\\+32 (([239] [0-9]{3}|4 [0-5][0-9]{2}|(4[5-9][0-9]|1[0-69]|5[0-9]|6[013-57-9]|71|8[0-79]) [0-9]{2}) [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}|7[08] [0-9]{3} [0-9]{3}|(800|90[0-9]) [0-9]{2} [0-9]{3}))*$"](area.boundaryarea);
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;
Stuff with missing protocol in website=* or url=*
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;
Stuff incorrectly mapped with postal_code=* in Flanders
Anything that isn't a postal code boundary is not allowed to have the tag postal_code=*. Postal code boundaries in Flanders are complete, so it's safe to remove postal_code=* from other objects (after checking that they match with the value of the postal code area they're in).
- relation["boundary"="postal_code"];
out meta qt;
out meta qt;
Old-style pipeline tagging in Belgium
out body; >; out skel qt;
DO NOT just change the tag. This is a great opportunity to follow the pipelines on the aerial imagery and improve the trajectory where possible.
Names with quotation marks
out body; >; out skel qt;
Misuse of designation=*
out body; >; out skel qt;
Substations with voltage in name and not in voltage
/* Without [power=substation] *all* objects with voltages in the name are found, but that can only be done on small areas */
nwr[power=substation][!voltage][name~"[0-9] *[kK][vV]"]({{bbox}});
out body; >; out skel qt;
Substations with voltage in name
out body; >; out skel qt;
Substations that likely have a typo in voltage
/* Find voltages that are not normally used in Belgium, but the results of division by some multiple of 10 are. */
/* So these likely have one or more zeroes in excess. */
out body; >; out skel qt;
Variant: find all uncommon voltages
Feel free to adapt to your country and put the query here in a new section.
out body; >; out skel qt;
Candidates for substation=minor_distribution
- nwr[substation]({{bbox}});
- nwr[voltage~"(^|;)([3-9][0-9]{4}|[1-9][0-9]{5,})($|;)"]({{bbox}});
out body; >; out skel qt;
Comma as decimal separator
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;
Mapillary key with a URL instead of just the key
// From a URL like
// you should only take the "pKey", part so here iLKfAt78NwwDEsvDwjAseA.
// Likewise from
// only ygke9-akAun5q_v3PNRWPg.
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;
Minor_distribution substations with possibly too high voltage
out meta qt; >; out meta qt;