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Flag of Belgium.svg This user hails from Belgium
nl Deze gebruiker heeft Nederlands als moedertaal.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
fr-2 Cette personne peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire de français.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un italiano di livello semplice.
Hiker M!dgard
is a hiker.
Bike M!dgard
is a bicyclist.
Climber M!dgard is a climber.
Electricity M!dgard
is a power user.
OSM editors and tools
JOSM M!dgard submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Vespucci logo M!dgard submits data to OpenStreetMap using Vespucci.
OsmAnd icon M!dgard uses OsmAnd, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
Overpass-turbo.svg M!dgard uses Overpass turbo, an OSM database search tool, and is willing to advise on it
Wikidata logo M!dgard links from OpenStreetMap to Wikidata
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Mastodon user M!dgard toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon
SourceHut M!dgard is on SourceHut as ~midgard.
GitLab user M!dgard has an account on GitLab as

Hi there! I'm mostly mapping in Belgium.

Essential POIs

Things that I find most important to be mapped, starting with most important:

I also like to have opening hours on these.


Automated edits

My automated edits are done by user M!dgardAutomated. For information about these changes, see my Automated edits page. For questions or comments about these edits, go to my automated edits discussion page.


Stuff that I'd like to see happen:

  • a platform to list new users, and assign them a mentor in their neighbourhood for their first month / 50 changesets / …;
  • automatic QA tests for routing integrity, unit testing the road network so to say: set up some start and end points, and notify if routing uses a different road than before;
  • the Flanders GRB import