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Mapset is an initiative to connect Sports training activities with Open mapping basing on a model of Leaving no one behind, as one of the components. A wider activity model is to have selected Open Movement initiatives, tools, and projects involved with MapSet.


Twitter: mapset78

MapSet is already in the testing phase but also under development. Leave messages for User:Mapset78 here

Research on a similar initiative like Mapset

Some research has already been made, and messages sent out to a few OSM Community mailing lists but Please mention activities or projects where sport has been used as full or part of the main activities.


An initiative to engage passionate mappers, sports lovers and open data enthusiasts to use tools, like OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia, and Wikimedia Projects so that they can be used in new and innovative ways as found suitable in their areas of interest and communities.

Collaboration rather than duplication

Mapset will be providing training and capacity building to its members in usage and applicability of the above tools, plus other programs, but priority to provide the training will be given to existing organisations, communities and individuals in Uganda or outside Uganda.

Conflict of Interest

Open Data and Open Source can spur innovation and solutions to community challenges, there are quite a number of individuals and organisations who use and make open source what it is, with no limits, no restrictions, which provides a gateway to innovation, and removal of any kinds of barriers to entry.

To ensure that there is no conflict of interest, please see comments below, and feel free to reach out or add comments;

  • Collaboration will ensure there is no conflict of interest.
  • More activities for MapSet will be based on previous research initiatives and results from above.
  • Organisations that do similar or related activities will be approached and invited to join efforts with MapSet.
  • Please mention your views on how any other conflicts of interest can happen.

Logo Competition

A logo has already been selected, and various samples will be published here, however, in the future, a logo competition for this initiative, could be planned, with some of the following information

  • Create
  • Innovate
  • Follow Your Passion
  • Any choice(s) of colours including Green, Brown, Silver, and Red.
Code Web Print
Green hex #??? rgb ??? cmyk ???
Brown hex #??? rgb ??? cmyk ???
Silver hex #??? rgb ??? cmyk ???
Red hex #??? rgb ??? cmyk ???

Competition and Events

Events and competitions will be placed here, including member activities that they will get involved in.

Soccerthon in June 2018

We are to hold our first soccerthon (A soccer/football match and/with an editing session): here is a probable line-up:

Date: 24th June, 2018

Venue: Kawanda Football pitch

Time: 9:30am - 11:00am

Name OpenStreetMap User ID Position
1 Kiguli Gavin kiguligavin Goalkeeper
2 Makumbi Ibra ibuman Striker
3 Mbazira Bashir Araphat Striker
4 Kato John Bosco Kato Rymus Center Back
5 Jemba Basit [skilzswag] Midfielder
6 Ssebaggala Douglas Douglo Midfield/Defence
7 Shukran Shaki shukranshaki Back Defense
8 Timothy Katende timothy katende Midfield
9 Juma Ssenyonga [Missing info] Striker
10 Luutu Christopher [missing] Back
11 Brian Kigozi [missing info] Wing
12 Fashir Bisase [Missing info] Wing

Soccerthon in july 2018

The Second soccerthon (A soccer/football match and/with an OpenStreetMap editing/introduction session - Mapathon) is to be held this Sunday, see details below, and a probable line-up:

Date: 29th July, 2018

Venue: Kawanda Football pitch

Time: 8:00am - 1:00pm


  • TBC - To be confirmed
  • TBD - To be determined

Soccerthon in August 2018

The third soccerthon (A soccer/football match and/with an OpenStreetMap editing/introduction session - Mapathon) was held on Thursday 2018, see details below;

Date: 30th August, 2018

Venue: Kawempe 'Kataka' Football pitch

Time: 9:00am - 11:00am (Checking out computer lab connectivity for future use and 5:00pm - 7:00pm (the actual match)

August's soccerthon was an advanced step in location, having been held in the previous inaugural venue in Kawanda. The exercise was facilitated by the members below, other names have been left out intentionally since permission is being sought by the participants before they are published here on the wiki.

MapSet Field activities
Name OpenStreetMap User ID Position and Availability District Football Association OSM Wiki Account
1 Timothy Katende timothy katende Midfield TBD Timothykatende
2 Ssebaggala Douglas Douglo TBD TBD


  • TBC - To be confirmed
  • TBD - To be determined

If you are interested in attending as a supporter or being part of this month's soccerthon in any other way;

  • Add your name below and you will be contacted.
  • send an e-mail to:

mapset training (kawempe youth center ).we are glad to inform our trainees,new entrants and individuals who are intrested in mapest and mapping at-large that the all awaiting mapset training of mapping in general and capacity building by experienced mappers across uganda and proffessional personnel conducted at kawempe youth center ,twice in aweek.on thursday(3:00pm-05:00pm) and the next training day will be informed to you soon

To every soccerthon event.current members and entrants are adivised to regularly practice( osm

) so as to improve on their mapping skills using required mapping equipment,

As it was in the previous event new entrants were exposed to remote mapping using id editor.although josm is tricky but its the best and faster mapping tool.

hopfully inthe next month`s event, mapping using mobile phone apps will be introduced to the members.

October soccerthon event is most likely to be hosted in kiboga- kateera along kampala - mitiyana road.

september soccerthon participants( kawanda ) on 29th 09 2018.
Name osm accout email wiki account position
douglas Douglo ssebaggala tbc forward
ronnie tbc tbc tbc right bcak
timothy timothy katende katende timothy foreard
mayas tbc tbc tbc mid


soccerthon october

The 5th soccerthon to be held at kawempe kataka ground on 31st october2018. soccerthon participantskawempe(october)

previous soccerthon blog kawempe

Soccerthon is a monthly mapping event which is organized by Mapset members. The team leader specifies a certainsoccer club which is a partner to Mapset in order to contribute match requirements to the selected club to host the event, at a particular time the club is therefore given the money after presenting a budget.

This time Kawempe United hosted the event. Kawempe United is a first division soccer club in Kawempe division its home ground stadium is located at Kawempe Kutano.

Soccerthon creates awareness of Mapset objectives, for example, training open data, capacity building, and mapping tools to the community, which can definitely improve one`s standards of living. the hosting team was able to present a team of 15 players including the head coach. while Mapset members were 13 and due to super league fixture some members had super league games and were not able to attend the event.

The day before, we had an OpenStreetMap training at Kawempe building plaza. I was able to introduce ID editor to members, opened up Emails Open Street Map accounts participants were; Mayas, Ronnie, and Allan and trained for about two hours, tracing buildings using id editor and at the end of the day all members were able to map correctly using ID editor.

The match started around 4:30 pm. And went fine as it was expected, both teams played an interesting game that went 1-1 full time.

The community welcomed the concept of mapping and promised to work hand in hand with Mapset to train and promote talents in Kawempe division.

After the match we were able to register three new members; Bosingwa, Ronnie, and Moszy in the team.

November event is likely to be hosted in Kawanda by Kawanda the last week of the month and the date will be notified.

soccerthon participants october
Name osm email wiki account position club
Ronnie tbc tbc tbc right back Everton
timothy timothy katende katende timothy midfielder vilahamn
mayas tbc tbc tbc midfield rufula
allan tbc tbc tbc right back tbc
Ronnie tbc tbc tbc back tbc
mulira tbc tbc tbc back kisoga
CJ tbc tbc tbc goal keeper tbc
mosey tbc tbc tbc winger tbc
bashir tbc tbc tbc winger kawanda
bosingwa tbc tbc tbc leftback kazo
suna tbc tbc tbc back kawempe
ssenfuka tbc tbc tbc back kawempe

Partners and supporters

This is open to individuals, organisations, clubs and institutions interested in collaborating with us.

Membership and Getting involved

Criteria for one to become a member or get involved in our activities

Data and Mapping

These are some of the [tags and data (model)] that will be based on for usage. The sport=* tag is used to identify one or more sports which can be played within or on some physical feature. A list of sports is given below.

A sport=* should normally also be associated with a suitable physical feature where it is performed; often this is leisure=pitch or leisure=track although other surfaces or features are sometimes appropriate, for example natural=beach for swimming. A leisure=sports_centre may be associated with a number of sports. Where individual sports are played at distinct identifiable places then identify the sport with the particular pitch etc. Where a number of sports are associated with a single feature then separate the sports with a ';', for example 'athletics;football'.

Primary sports facilities

Specific sports facilities

In these facilities the sport=* should not be used, since it is already stated what kind of sport.



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