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Babel user information
hu-N Ennek a felhasználónak magyar az anyanyelve.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
JOSM Ottwiz submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
iD Ottwiz submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
GitHub logo Ottwiz has an account on GitHub as @attilakundev.
GitLab user Ottwiz has an account on GitLab as @attilakundev.
Website Ottwiz has a website.


Hello, my name is Attila and I'm a university student from Rákospalota, Budapest, Hungary.

My goal is to have OSM be well mapped in the area I live in and where I go (and where my friends live).

This includes good land uses, aligned roads, forest land cover everywhere and rivers, streams, buildings, addresses, POIs and other smaller stuff.


In Hungary:

Eastern Hungary and Budapest mainly, but I touched some parts in Western Hungary (especially in Somogy and Zala Counties).

Edit counts: 443,436.[1]

In the US:

I learnt a lot by mapping that country, because it has so diverse land uses compared to Hungary, where there are many croplands crowded into a ~100 acres of land (or more). I mostly map forests and align roads there, aligning the TIGER import mess, every state has poor data, but West Virginia is doomed completely, so I've already aligned a lot of roads by mapping that area. (Although, I'm focusing on mapping ONLY forest land cover recently)

Edit counts: 14.2 million.[2]

Currently in progress:

Mapping forest landcover for PA. I haven't created a page to it yet.

I also made some presentations, like how I mapped USA or my own area: Github link

It may happen that I don't map for a while because of university studies/work or personal life.


  • You can find me on as ottwiz
  • You can find me as well on OSMUS Slack as "Attila Kun"
  • Or you can email me at attila -(at)- attilakundev =(dot)= com
  1. As of December 30, 2023 according to
  2. As of February 1, 2025 according to